Do NOT buff the bosses in firelands

Not at all.

I do it because it’s a challenge and I like my raid.

I get to chill with the boys for 1-2 nights a week get a little drunk and meme the raid.

It’s a fun time.

And at the end of the day we came together as a raid group and accomplished something.

It probably make sense to release Firelands in their original state and nerf them somewhere mid patch like they did to TK/SSC. But I doubt it since you have two difficulty options now its not like in TBC where you only had one.

Around 35% of guilds are 13/13H in tier11, this means pre-nerf content isn’t “too hard for most guilds”. If 7/7H isn’t manageable by some guilds, which I believe heroic Rag will be a serious issue to quite a bit of population. They have the natural progression path and will eventually down him in about 2 months. Note that this tier will last 4 months.

I don’t know if you have ever played souls games, in which you don’t even have an easier option for the same boss.

wait why is anyone disagreeing with Peepo? he’s literally right

if heroic is too hard, there’s normal right there waiting for you. How does this kill casuals?


Remove normal mode gear and make it all drop the same stuff. No one would have a problem doing normal.

Jokes aside,

Classic and TBC and most of WOTLK faceroll raiding was the most successful and accessible. A good time for everyone.

As we get closer to retail mythic in terms of difficulty, the game will alienate more and more players. Beating this challenging content is very satisfying to those that can do it, and demoralizing to the point that people quit to those who cannot.

The road to retail 2.0.

I think we can satisfy a lot of people by introducing the pre nerf stuff at launch, and nerfing it quickly, mid phase at the latest, preferably 2-4 weeks.

Your 0.001% niche case 1 month + prog masochist “enjoyment” doesn’t matter.


My enjoyment matters more and 2-4 weeks isn’t enough time to prog for majority of guilds.

Not sure why normal isn’t good enough for the people that want an easier raid, makes no sense to me.

It would be, if it dropped the same gear.

Why would it ever drop the same gear?

It’s a lower difficulty.

Seems to be the people who can’t clear heroic are only mad because of the gear, they want a participation trophy.

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Gear is all anyone cares about.

“Just play normal” is probably the least intelligent thing I have ever read on these forums, and that’s saying something.

If the same gear dropped on normal and heroic NO ONE would do it on heroic. This is because gear is why people play, not difficulty.

Peepostab plays the easiest classes each expansion and still manages to never parse 100, yet feels compelled to tell people they are not good players. It’s both comical and sad. They did less than 10k dps as a fire mage on Atramedes :skull:

Gear is not all anyone cares about.

I have fun with the raid team and the boys, the gear is fun to get but it isn’t ALL of it.

35% of GUILDS or 35% of guilds that actually log their stupid raid? WCL should be wiped off the internet. Useless.

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You are lying through your teeth if you are telling us that your raid group would choose to do heroic mode if the gear was the same as normal.

I guarantee you guys would run normal, maybe attempting heroic after full bis.

His guild totally would do normals, but there are cutting edge raiders (mostly WF) that would absolutely do Heroic anyway. This guy has always reeked of faux elitism. drinknblinks alt… oh boy, how fun, even went to the length of comparing his wow skills to being a 2nd string NFL player. lmfao… DRIPPING

Gear is one of the reason but not ALL the reason why we do heroic. Because if gear is the only decisive factor then people won’t be playing this game. They will play WOW simulation engine instead.

If gear is really the only reason why people raid, then why would blizzard implement different difficulties for with different loot. I also play some retail and do LFR + story mode just to walk through the lore and I am pretty satisfied with that. Why would I want to have mythic gear from story mode?

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Yeah I do think it would be a good thing to give those cutting edge players the nod and give a few weeks of prog. Maybe give 2 weeks after the world first guild kills it for others to do so, then send the nerfs.

You will give the cutting edge players what they want, and the masses what they want. Unfortunately 1% of players who feel like progging for 7 months on the same content is enjoyable

Blizzard making a decision on how they distribute loot has no correlation with people wanting to get loot from any given difficulty.

I 100% agree with you, my problem is Drinknblinks unfaltering ego is blinding him from the real issue. He wants what HE enjoys to live(albeit 1-2% of the community), where most of us want the GAME to live.

You are lying through your teeth if you are telling us that your raid group would choose to even raid if the gear was sold on a vendor.

See i can remove the incentives to and try to prove a point.

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Doesn’t disprove my point, just presents another.

There is no ego in what im saying, youre saying their is because your argument is lacking.

The example had nothing to do with my football or game skills like youre trying to pawn it off as. Ofc you would take Williamferals side tho not because of any other reason other than i disagree with you.

Dude tries to clown people who are doing the content he cant, his guilds 7/13H btw.