Do non-toxic pvp guilds exist?

by how much does youre MS go up when you join that guild? :face_with_peeking_eye: :face_with_peeking_eye: :thinking: :shushing_face: :shushing_face: :shushing_face:

Are you around now?

Respectfully, I think that the pvp community is far more welcoming than the PVE community as a whole. There are obvious exceptions on both ends, but as a whole I think there is FAR more elitism and Q selection in pve than in pvp.

Pvp isn’t perfect. I’ve seen an RBGer turn on his camera to flash his brown starfish to the world while simultaneously linking his W2 to try and prove he made more money than people and slurring racial remarks.

Pve is also pretty awful, with lengthy documented cases of sexism, racism, and in general obscene elitism and parse culture. If people think finding a group for 3s is hard, they have clearly never tried to sign up for a key as a dps, especially a non-meta one.

At the end of the day, I think most of the complaints about pvp being “toxic” are more often cases of someone explaining what went wrong. Sometimes someone just doesn’t pop a defensive or doesn’t know how to defend a flag or call an incoming. Someone will make a totally reasonable comment of, “hey! Next time stand 30 yards away so you can spin with range, but can’t be sapped” and people will take that as a personal attack.

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