Monks, I have a question.
Do you guys feel bad for yourselves for stealing warlock portals? Like you are using our hand me downs just like Demon Hunters taking our metamorphasis spell.
Come up with some original stuff for your classes and stop stealing from other classes.
Both Warlock Gateway and Transcendence were added in 5.0.4 at the same time when talent trees were remade for MoP.
Uh, tell the devs?
Besides, there’s plenty of similar spells among different specs, but very few identical ones. Transcendence varies from Demonic Circle by swapping places with your anchor.
Also you’re like… 8 years late.
Demonic gateway is not the flipside of transcendence. Demonic circle is. Being added in 3.0.2, its about 4 years earlier than transcendence.
Do Warlocks feel bad for taking Death Coil from WC3 Death Knights and Metamorphosis from WC3 Illidan (DHs) before they were eventually redistributed to their respective classes? This is always such a silly arguing point and the fact it’s being brought up about Transcendence of all things is especially hilarious.
WC3 isn’t WoW so doesn’t count
What about poor Wardens and blink?
The answer is yes, but not for the reason you listed.
This post is juvenile. No I don’t feel bad in the last. Actually our version is superior so …
WC3 is the predecessor of WoW. If the abilities were originally available in the previous iteration for different classes, it’s pretty obvious they would be moved to those classes should they ever make it to the latest iteration.
Whinging about it, especially nearly a decade after the fact, is just comical at this point.
Considering that “Monks” have 0 say in what Blizzard does, I think you should redirect your unjustified ramblings toward Blizzard and not the players that are suffering through the neglect. Good grief. Imagine a player being mad at another player because of something a Developer did. This isn’t to say your claim or others like it aren’t fair complaints, but the subject of your ire is misdirected.
Go after the decision makers.
Blackout Kick and Rising Sun Kick are just rip offs of Rogue’s Kick /s
Not really. I think things being exclusive to only one spec or class is how we end up with a meta like the current one and why it’s so unbalanced. At least with something like lust you have options, right? Lust consistently keeps most of the lust classes in the meta since at least one is required for high level content. But at least you’re not forced to take like only one spec of a single class. I do think there should be another melee lust and that it should be warrior too. Mage similarly has alter time which is like even better than both. And druid used to have a blink link mage. It’s really not a big deal imo.