Do Mages need to level weapon skills in Classic?

Other than maybe Wands, is there any use for leveling them up?

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Killing critters with your staff.


(edited to make a long post short)

Nawww, you don’t need to…

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Roll frost and cast the one spell, gg.

Wand spec?

Yes, so you can add some salt to the wound for ganking lowbies


I did use my staff from time to time, but mostly just to be rude.

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No there is not.

Do you not want to be a Battle Mage???

If you simply want to be a sissy standing way far way… fine be that way. Otherwise battle mage it is!

Just kidding… no you don’t.

No, but your character and life will be incomplete if you don’t!

Correct. I graduated to trying to collect every item, maxing every skill, optimizing my equipment, optimizing my party, doing every quest, and so on in single player games a little bit after I quit WoW. I am excited to see what this horrible curse will get me in Classic.

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There’s been a few times when I was out of mana, and that last few points hitting that dam’ wolf with the staff saved me.

So, you think you don’t, but you do.

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Yes. Meleeing things does not trigger GCD like wand usage does, and versus a shaman you need max level weapon skill to guarantee your sword smacks their totem down and doesn’t miss it.

I know this reads incredibly sarcastic, but I mean it 100%.