Do key owners expect to be carried?

Is this actually like an expectation a decent amount of people have? I was just doing a 17 mists with someone who had a decent M+ score for the key level (2100) and 245 ilvl then proceeded to do less than healer damage through the first boss without dying. He is also a boomy and it was a mists key where he is at minimum like top 5 specs in the game at the first boss. I usually wouldn’t point out how low dps he was but he was trash talking our tank for not pulling the mini boss through the maze when we did not have a class who could pull through. He then says “dude its my key” in response to me saying i’m not carrying him and calls me a “f***ing idiot and that its his key” again. Is this like an actual expectation to be hard carried if youre the keyholder and he didn’t even have the “my key your carry” because then I’d excuse it because at least he warned.

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I’ve had similar experiences (not the rudeness per se), but in BFA I brought 3 friends into a dungeon with an underperforming mage. This dude was golden on paper, but when I looked at his io after the run, I saw that he just posted his key immediately after each run no matter what happened to it.

On paper, this guy was decent, in reality he wasn’t even close to competent and his paper stats were inflated by constant carrying.

That said, I don’t know if it’s the expectation and idk how bad you have to be to be below a healer or how big your ego has to be to be rude if you’re at the bottom.

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This really highlights, at least to me, how bad the in game scoring/rio addon currently portrays skill. Until players who aren’t timing keys get a significantly reduced score for a failed key, scores for ksm and key levels around 15s can result in getting wildly varied players in terms of skill.

Not to mention a good carry group can easily time 15s with a non existent 3rd DPS.

For keys at or below +15 yes, they get carried and you get a chance to farm for a piece you are looking for. Anything over that its just weird when packs take forever to die because one guy doesn’t know their rotation and eventually tank just falls over from tanking packs for longer than what is expected and group disbands.

I think this is one of the things Blizzard’s new score does significantly worse than the old raider. io system. Under the old system, score fell off pretty sharply as soon as you busted the timer. Now, you have to be pretty far over before it significantly impacts your score.

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In U15s it happens once in a while from what I’ve seen. Moreso in U10 but you get the odd one from 10-15, it’s a lot of people knowing that higher ilvl/io will join for a quick weekly or to fill out vault or going for a specific piece/valor.

That’s why, when I join groups or I make one I look at how many timed keys the person has. Or alt io.

Venthyr Hpal?


Slightly unrelated, but as a tank I enjoy carrying bottom keys (+2 key tuesday) to farm up quick valor for any upgrades I need. Even if the players are unskilled, they are usually way nicer and grateful that a geared tank is helping out, and I would much rather play a low key with people who are chill than push high with stressed out jerks. Maybe I’m creating an unrealistic idea of runs for new players, but I just think helping out the people below you builds a better community base in the long run.


I do something similar, but I’m not going below 12.


I like to feel like godmode superman in a 2 :3


That’s why I don’t do it. I’m still pretty invincible in a 12, but in a 2 I’m a God.

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kanye voice

What is a 2 to a 12?
What is a 12 to a 20?
What is a 20 to a non-believer?


yeah, there’s something to be said for fun, low stress runs. i’m having fun healing 15-17 carries (edit: free carries) lately… they’re not all timed because the main goal is fun rather than 3-chesting, so it’s mostly people on alts and there are some deliberately wacky pulls. but it’s a blast and perfect for nights where i want to heal some keys but am too tired to want to run 20s

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I’ve been gearing up a mage in my extra time nowadays. It’s 2 weeks old and I’m doing 7kish overall on a funnel build, having a blast. So much less stress.

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nice! i have a havoc dh that i run keys on sometimes too, just for a change of pace. he’s at 223 ilevel and keeping up just fine in 10-12s. my single target is weak but i blast on most aoe pulls. it’s a good time!

I think it’s easier to remind your self ksm this late isn’t high, 2100-2300 is low technically and people don’t play optimally. I can’t commit on what happened in the key, but yes people get carried easily in the 15 range.

Thing you can do is check previous runs before joining, I noticed a 2.2k tank in a key today. Checked their history and had not timed a single key this week. Depleted 3 14s. They raged and complained about lack of dps. (My sham was doing over 10k average). Wasn’t my key but felt bad that someone was toxic and couldn’t see their own mistakes. Was only a 15 and I’ve timed 20s on my sham alt.

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I’ve had great success with people in this range.

sure, of course it varies. i was in a 20 NW a few weeks back that fell apart on the first boss because people didn’t know what they were doing, and nobody was under 2.2k. one dps picked up the anima exhaust but stood at range the whole fight, and one of the melee dps didn’t pick up an orb at all. we ran out of room to drop poison and that was the key. and yeah, i’ve also played with some 2k-2.1k players who are phenomenal.


I feel like those who wanted KSM and were decent players have finished several weeks ago for the season. The remaining players are those who struggled to get ksm, were carried, or those who are still trying to push. It leaves this really massive skill difference at that rating range.

I was doing a 15 yesterday to get a gv slot done for the week then calling it quits. And while one of the other dps was an alt of a good player, I literally did double the overall DPS without flask, rune, and using pots than both DPS. We almost didn’t time the key, and I was absolutely terrified that this is what pugging a key was like now.

most people who wanted it and started pushing for it early got it months ago. i got mine in early august and i’m not what i think most serious key people would consider “good”. but of course there are lots of factors, and some people are perfectly capable but just got a late start in the season or only have time to run 1-2 keys a week or whatever it might be. i didn’t get it season 1 – i didn’t even decide to try for it until fairly late in the season, and then i decided i’d do it as a resto shaman, but i didn’t have a resto shaman at 60 and hadn’t played the spec since MoP, etc…

but yeah, there is a huge range of player skill levels in 15s at this point in the season. you’ve got 2k players who’ve barely timed any keys, and 1.1k alts of people who are 2.5k+ on their mains. obviously one of those types of runs goes a bit more smoothly than the other, usually.