I made a warrior in order to get a transmogrification for my survival hunter. This item is the Greatsword of frozen hells and it drops from isle of thunder raid. i was recently told by another player that i wouldnt need a warrior for the drop when WOW head literally says “players can win this item by selecting the following classes” which are warrior/DK/pally
At the very least, you will need a class capable of equipping a 2H sword in order for it to be added to your Appearances.
- Warrior
- Paladin
- Death Knight
- Hunter
That’s for Personal Loot. If your character outlevels the raid by 11, it becomes Legacy Loot, where everything on the loot tables may drop without being filtered out by class/spec, so a hunter can loot and equip for transmog.
If you’re soloing ToT on a hunter, I’m pretty sure it can learn the appearance as well as a warrior could.
You’ll want to run both your hunter and your warrior anyway, because that sword has a pretty low drop rate–it’s one of the pool of items that can drop from any boss.
Just to verify, is the weapon class restricted or was it just the drop was? If it’s the weapon, your hunter can’t wield it anyway. So no transmog. If it was drop restricted, then personal loot is no longer a thing. You’ll get it based on rng and will be added to your appearances.
As far as I remember, that weapon is a random drop from multiple bosses. Which reduces the chances of you ever seeing it. You don’t have to be a warrior to learn it (hunters can learn 2h swords), you just have to be lucky enough (or farm dilligently enough) to actually see it drop in the first place.
Hunters can use a 2H sword. Here is a screenshot of one of my Hunters with a 2H heirloom sword equipped.
Yes, but if the weapon is class specific, they can’t. Which is how I read the OP
It isn’t class restricted, though.
There’s no class restriction (or any restrictions at all) in the tooltip.
If the instance is being run under Personal Loot rules, the fact that it’s a two-handed STR sword would impose a restriction on the drop to classes that have a spec that is designed to use that (DK, warrior, paladin). But once you outlevel the raid enough to change over to Legacy Loot, that drop restriction disappears and any class that can wield it can have it drop and mog it. Which broadens the scope to include hunters.
Since you’re 11 levels above the raid now it’ll drop for you. Hunters can wield it so it’ll be added. Just simply run it on your hunter. The Warrior/DK/Pally part is only if you did the raid when it was current.