(First of all I know this isn’t a pet battle question, but I’m asking it here since it is a PET question and there doesn’t seem to be any other forum category other than “General.”)
I’ve been putting off collecting the Motes of Nasz’uro that are all over my Dragon Isles map even though I can easily get them now, and I want to get them already. Don’t care about legendary gear if that has anything to do with it, just love collecting pets. There’s only one problem.
Reading up about it on WoWhead, I found a single comment on the Mote item page about an error that a person gets when trying to summon the pet: “Uuna is missing”. Someone replied saying that getting the secret Uuna pet (from WoD) is a requirement for being able to have Mote of Nasz’Uro.
I chose to avoid trying to get Uuna because I heard her story was really depressingly sad and I’d rather not go through that kind of thing. But I also don’t want to have to ignore all those motes that appear temptingly all over my map, which are so easy to pick up (especially with my HandiNotes addons). But also, I don’t know what is even true! Which is what I’m asking now.
For you see,
That reply on wowhead said that Uuna is required in order to summon Nasz’uro, but the person they were replying to said they already had Uuna & were getting the “Uuna is missing” error even when they tried to summon Uuna. Which makes it seem like the error message was just due to a glitch & nothing else. There is also one post here on the forums that brings up the same issue, where a person got that error message & they hadn’t collected Uuna yet, but those 2 posts are all I know of.
And think about it. Why would players be required to have an orphaned draenei child pet from WoD in order to use a glowing elemental mote pet in Dragonflight that don’t seem to have any lore connection whatsoever? And why would players need to go through the effort of farming a SECRET pet that requires reading an out-of-game guide in order to know how to get, just to be able to USE a pet they earn by collecting items all over DF zones, but if they haven’t done the Uuna stuff (or gotten her by chance while farming all the rares of Argus) then the game wouldn’t tell them they need her until AFTER they collected all the motes & are able to create Nasz’uro? IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE! It makes FAR more sense if the “Uuna is missing” message was an ERROR; I mean this is WOW after all, the game that gets exponentially more broken with each xpac!
But does anybody know? Can anyone give answers or clues that aren’t just guesses or speculation? Does Blizzard even know (Blues, are you seeing this?)?