Do I Halt Leveling at 59 or Not?

I have an alt at 59. I am running this alt through a previous expansion using Chromie Time in order to experience the story (I had never played through that expansion). Now, at level 59, I’m only halfway through the expansion. Would it be better to hit level 60 and drop out of Chromie Time, then return to the expansion and finish the story using trivial quests? Or would it be better to halt leveling on my character and finish out the story that way? Would I miss out or gain something either way?

It depends to some extent on which expansion you are trying to do, but in general, if you want to do older content without having to move on to the newer stuff, I’d stay locked at 59.

Once you hit 60, you lose access to Chromie Time and you’re more likely to run into phasing issues in older content that can only be cleared up by doing newer stuff.

You can still turn Chromie Time off at 59 when you want to overpower stuff. At 59 you should be able to do everything through WoD, and a decent chunk of the Legion group content will be soloable. (BfA and Shadowlands won’t be trivial until 70.)

For BfA, phasing shouldn’t be an issue if you turn XP back on. For Shadowlands, the biggest phasing issue is getting the starting quest for it. So, I’d use Chromie Time to force the Shadowlands starter quest into your log before unlocking (even if you don’t do it immediately.)

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Thanks, Udiza, this is very helpful! To be specific, I’m trying to get my draenei through WoD (seems fitting). I hadn’t considered the possibility that you suggested of turning off Chromie Time so that I can overpower through the expansion, still experiencing the story along the way. I presume that if I do that, I would not gain experience because I’d be doing trivial quests in WoD. But if I do turn off Chromie Time and work through WoD, would I be able to turn it on again in case I wanted to do another expansion? I think I read somewhere that you cannot re-enter Chromie Time from level 59.

You get trivial experience once you’re out of Chromie Time, but it’s not 0. (I’ve got a character that just hit 49 outside of Chromie Time doing the Vanilla zones. Trivial XP still adds up over hundreds of quests.) So, if you unlock XP and turn off Chromie Time, you may still hit 60 even in old content.

You should still be able to turn Chromie Time back on at 59 if you turn it off. I know there were some bugs in the pre-patch causing issues with it and I’m not sure if they were all resolved.

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Thanks again, Udiza! You’ve answered all my questions thoroughly!