Do I give up holy and join you shammys?

I’m a bit down in the dumps right now. Did some heroics and then some mythics a couple days ago and it felt like my heals did literally nothing. In dratonflight a serenity would half fill a tanks hp bar. Now I use holy words just to put up a divine image to spam heal and flash heal /:

I don’t like that I have no mobility options, every dungeon people roast me because I can’t dispel anything because we have the worst dispel toolkits and only have one for diseases /:

No lust, no defensives except fade which is a crummy 10% or the flash heal self for another 10% /: and we slow AF and we are ugly and stupid

I’m thinking of swapping to shammy and being a resto shaman. Correct me if I’m wrong but I assume y’all have better

AOE stuns
Free life
And probably a bunch of other things holy don’t have. Do I have this right? Is the grass way greener on your side?

I don’t know a lot about priest but shaman is really fun :-). Plus we have a killer melee spec.

And yes we do have a lot of utility …

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I have a shaman alt and it’s incredible. You have plenty of options and answers for every situation. The only downside I can see on them is the mana usage, they are mana thirsty (it’s the only thing that keep him being my alt than my main).
It’s a very well designed class overall.


All three Shaman specs are incredibly strong right now.


A couple of things here:

All healers have been artificially nerfed in TWW via the increase in health pools and now have to work to top their groups. Shaman heals aren’t any stronger than Priest heals - Priest is currently used at the highest end of M+ groups, given that there is a Shaman in the party.

The Shaman dispel toolkit has the exact same amount of power as Priests - they’re just different types of dispels. The dungeons this time around just happen to fall more in line with Shaman dispels as Poisons and Curses are pretty common right now.

Shamans do have a ton of utility. So much so that most people complain that there are too many keybinds. Couple this with most players never stunning, interrupting, etc, it’s often very overwhelming to newer players. One of the biggest advantages that Shaman has is Wind Shear, the lowest CD interrupt in the game.

Luckily enough, Resto Shaman is one of the easier healers to learn how to heal with. The problem that you’ll likely face is when Shamans have historically been brought it’s because their utility toolkit is so deep - that’s where the real value comes from so you should almost put more effort in finding ways to weave those in instead of just focusing on healing.

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