Do Gnomes sleep?

They always seem tired and they have bags under their eyes all the time.

You little ones need to get more rest.


For us to continue to receive our haste buff we are unable to sleep.


Not anymore, did you get the X-4000 cochlear implant? Sleeping is a thing of the past, my friends! This little gem will play soothing sounds that take you right into REM during waiting periods (on flight paths, 70% of the time spent in a raid pug, rbgs filling, etc)


Yes they sleep. It’s the best time to take them and bake them into snacks before they wake up.


I need more coffee!

Gnomes don’t sleep well and are twitchy because in Azeroth prehistory gnomes were food for a lot of things. The first book written in Azeroth history was Troll cook book on roasting them to perfection.

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They still are

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Yeah they sleep.

With one eye open. Watch yourself, sweet hooves.


How else would they crawl into our nightmares?

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I have been assured by a very knowing orc of my acquaintance in Orgrimmar, that a young healthy gnome is a most delicious nourishing and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricasee, or a ragoust


Ha! And you little lepahs got tha nerve to think you’re better than us!

Again: HA!

Gonna use my more superior than yours haste buff to quickly take a nap now.

Toodles, Mimiron’s mistake.

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I prefer going in through the windows but other gnomes have their own methods. The talls always seem to be so concerned about locking the doors, but they don’t bother with the windows!


They have every reason not to sleep…Dalwhinnie might come over and eats them…

/wiggles tongue

I mean anyone would be jumpy and nervous knowing they tasted good after being roasted in a garlic butter sauce stuffed with corn bread stuffing.

NO because we are all so very busy making very YUMMY cookies for you.

:skull: :skull: :skull:

I heard that gnomes can sleep standing up, or maybe they’re awake. hmm… this thread poses an excellent question.

I am assuming that if you hang a gnome from a tree and beat it with a stick candy doesn’t come out either.

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I think it’s from all the nightmares about still not reclaiming Gnomeregan even though the Darkspear Trolls, Night Elves, and Worgen all reclaimed their home or claimed a new one for themselves.

They sleep. Just not particularly well. The strain of living with a slow-burn nuclear disaster that’s still not fully contained does not go quietly into that good night.

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No I did not get that implant.

…Which bothers me because I seem to have the benefit of it.

You know, there’s very little between gnomes giving me a few cybernetic implants “for my own benefit” without my knowledge, and being assimilated by the Borg.

I just realised something.

Nobody really knows what species 001 is. I think I have a very good idea.