Do folks care about windfury totem?

Like are we being helpful with our totems? I can see healing stream being kind of useful over time but is having us around with windfury totem useful to others? Maybe warriors can get a bit more rage.

I hope so. The idea as both ele and enhancement where we can do decent at ranged and melee while helping with healing and having everyone’s damage boost from our totem make up for soso damage on our part is what I want out of our class.

I certainly don’t. WF Totem grants a 10% buff to auto-attack damage. Auto-attack damage makes up an average of 8% of my damage, so it’s not even a 1% damage increase.

Right? If a fight isn’t going like 30+min it isn’t adding up to much.

It’s a benefit to specs with AA procs. There’s more benefit than just AA damage


Well it helps Frost DK with Killing Machine, Warriors with rage, Ret Pally Holy Power (Art of War), and I am sure other specs but I don’t really play melee past the above.

As for it being a marginal increase to damage, it is minor but take the total damage from 5 melee you might get a minor, but still significant, amount of damage.


I mean, it’s literally 0.8% of my DPS… I’m not sure how often it adds an additional autoattack proc for me, so it’s possible it helps with Maelstrom generation, but in all likelihood, it increases the chance at gaining Maelstrom by less than 2%. For other classes that proc abilities off auto-attack… if it’s only an autoattack proc, it will add 10% to whatever their chance is. If it’s any melee attack, it’ll come in somewhere around 2% or less bonus to that proc.

It’s never significant, even if it’s 5 melee characters. Windfury Totem is barely worth dropping in its current incarnation. Of course, everyone will demand we drop it anyway, so we get to waste mana with a minimally valuable buff. Yay.

It’s a 20% increase in auto-attacks at 60 rather than 10%. And some things do only proc from auto-attacks (e.g., hot hand).

Could it be better? Absolutely.

Even just from a QOL perspective:

40 yard range instead of 30?

Repositioned off GCD and mana-free like Vesper instead of eating globals and mana bar to leave a trail of totems?

Raid-wide buff instead of party so you don’t have to harass your PUG leader to reorganize the raid?


You have to put points into resto for the 40 yard totems, or get the set bonus from T1. :U :U


As people have stated previously you have to factor in more than just the white damage it adds. Other classes getting extra resources and procs can be very powerful but harder to quantify.

For us its not just the white damage you need to look at. For raw damage the extra attack from Windfury Totem can proc Windfury Weapon, Flametongue Weapon, Icy Edge from Frost Puppies. Then there are also the Maelstorm stacks, Hot Hand procs, Stormbringer procs.


Yes the resource gen is the main thing. For example, if arms warriors are really strong and are using condemn, then a windfury totem for like 4 warriors all with 2 execute phases will most likely be a large dps gain. Same if hot hand is the go to for enhance.

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I do hope so. Thanks for the reassurance guys.

I’d expect it to be worse for Arms than anyone, since it’s one proc every 36 seconds for them on average. Autoattacks seem to make up less than half of our swings, with that in mind, it increases the proc chances of our non-white-only effects by less than 5% of the original proc rate on average. For us, it’s probably a single swing every 13 seconds (obviously haste will increase the speed, but not the rate, on these).

Hot Hand provides a 5% proc chance on melee swing. WFT increases the chance to proc it by 0.5% per swing. That’s not exactly empowering. Without accounting for haste, it’s a single proc every 26 seconds on average.

It’s also a totem… which makes it a horrible mechanic regardless of what it does.

You seem to of missed the that there is an upgrade for Windfury Totem at level 56? that increases the proc chance to 20%.

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I’ll admit, I keep forgetting that that exists… So it goes from 0.5% to 1%. Cool. I’d honestly take vanilla Flurry over Windfury Totem.

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My mythic raider friend says it is incredibly good, and a reason to bring enhance along if nothing else


It hardly procs and it hits like a wet noodle. Pretty much useless like windfury has been for a while.

Yeah, this right here. Depending on how many melee are in your group, the totem could be extremely useful. If you think about it in terms of the totem doing the damage, and not the players, it comes out to be one of the most powerful totems for burst/burn phases. It’s a really good boost for a single GCD.

This is the thing I hate the most about Windfury Totem. I don’t want to go along because I have a Totem buff. I want to go along because I directly contribute. Honestly, if it does add more than 5% total to the DPS of melee characters, I’d expect that the developers would make our DPS 10-20% lower to make up for it.

A lot of people want totems back and I am one of them but totems could be so much better. Totems, windfury, Shocks are our iconic abilities.

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Why do you want them back? I’m honestly curious. A static buff with a 20 yard radius that you have to drop one at a time, taking up GCDs that can be one-shot by any ability in game was never a particularly good mechanic. I’ll admit I thought they were cool at first, and I still like the way they look, but the mechanics for them have never been great. The Totem Bar was probably the best mechanism, but that had the element lockouts tied to it and still had its problems (it became expensive and less flexible).

I’ve personally never felt that Windfury was much of an identity for the class - it was a badly balanced mechanic with passive damage that was fine in PVP, but created spikes and valleys for PVE that weren’t particularly fun to play through (though, as I’ve said elsewhere - I tanked in vanilla, so ignore me :stuck_out_tongue: )