Do DKs have a petless spec?

I am interested to play one but without any ghoul following I dont see any talent similar to hunter so I wonder if DK has the option to be petless

Frost and Blood are pet less. Frost for DPS and Blood for Tank.
Unholy is has a pet and its part of its theme.


yup blood and frost dont have pets but we got a temp one that can be used if you wanna make something go boom its not necessary for the specs

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Technically frost and blood are not completely petless, but the damage increase from pressing raise is so minor for frost or blood that you might as well not use it.

It is off GCD though

at most 1% of your damage is “something go boom”?

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It’s more like 0.1%

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it kinda when you summon it it goes to your target then you make it go boom is satisfying to watch but i forget i have it most of the time

sac pac isnt viable in pve so i haven’t seen it in a while.

its just a visual thing cuz damage wise meh. just a fun thing to look at happen

Blood for tanking or Frost for DPS.
Technically all 3 specs get raise dead, but for frost and blood it is maybe 1% of your dps. I use it more to sacrifice to heal than anything else, if I even talent for that. Other than that it is just button to hit when you want that minuscule more dps.


Fun fact: Sac Pact is what Death Pact USED to do. Sacrificing Timmy for your own health gains.

Death Pact now gives you Health Absorption more than it heals in a dampening environment.

The ability it granted in Shadowlands was a slap in the face. :joy:

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I hate this talent so much. Technically you can still sacrifice timmy and gain health since that talent still extists. And Death Pact, well… we all know why that skill sucks.

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