Do devs only respond on Twitter these days or what

Because the interaction on these forums is basically zero.


It kind of makes sense. Twitter has a further reach. Way more people are on Twitter than this forum. That being said, it still would seem like a good idea to copy and paste that information to the game’s official forum.


how else would we know the level of condescension the devs have for us if they made any attempt at communication here?


Think about what you said. You want the leaders of this game to post thoughts, updates and interactions on a third party site instead of a site they must pay ALOT of money on bandwidth for. Their own forums.


Self-fulfilling prophecy. They communicate via twitter, thus people are on twitter.

I know I for one made a twitter account for the sole purpose of tweeting at the wow devs (not that I bother doing that anymore). I wouldn’t be on twitter at all if the Blizzard devs hadn’t decided to move the communication there.

If they communicated on these forums at a much larger volume of posts, I can assure you more people would be using these forums actively.


Ok. I thought about it. Why can’t they do both?


Well the forum is a terrible place for them to look for feedback from, wouldn’t respond here either if I was them.

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And Twitter is a lesser form of toxicity?

Let’s be honest Twiiter , You Tube and Facebook should all just merge together and become one large social media entity known as Youtwitface.


Also OP is a night elf mage, this breaks my immersion and RP rules, devs delete his character please.

An illusion?

What are you hiding!

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They use twitter because if you say something they dislike they can just freely block you. Cant do that on the forums.


Funny how we pay to use these forums, yet they don’t use it.


I never said it was and I fixed the punctuation to make it a question .

Right here is the reason as to why.

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You are kidding yourself if you think this den of vipers is getting more than the occasional blue post.

you think they have more ability to control content on twitter than they do on their own forums?

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Yes because you can make your profile private as well as just block anyone you want? Randy pitchford has me blocked :rofl:

On the forums they can block you and delete any evidence you ever posted something there.

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Could you blame them? This forum is a toxic dump site most of the time.

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Them mass deleting comments is a very bad public image, plus I doubt it’s good work ethics blocking users on a forum you “moderate”