Do Death Knights Count As Forsaken?

Pretty straight foreward question. Answer Yes or No. Feel free to elaborate if you want on why you think so.

Mine does.


Depends on your definition.

The Forsaken player characters seem to be a unique type of undead. I’ve always assumed they were next gen ghouls as they have the cannibalize ability but are capable of anything other humanoids are. So in that respect only Forsaken DKs are true Forsaken.

But on the otherhand the Forsaken as a political entity have all sorts of undead in their ranks. Leper gnomes, ghouls, gargoyles, abominations, banshees - the list goes on. So just being undead or sorta undead like in the case of leper gnomes seems grounds enough to be accepted as a citizen.

In my own judgement with TDC DKs as well as people RPing Dark Rangers, San’Layn or what have you are considered eligible for ranks typically reserved for Forsaken characters.


No, personally I always considered them to be scourge that defected. But if we were talking Gul’dans DKs then I would consider them forsaken since they were created by pieces of corpses and only held together by magic lol

No! The forsaken gained their free will and followed sylvanas, deathknights were just dumped by the Lich King like some schoolgirl via text message and had nowhere to go. (Or that is what we use to say in one of the many iterations of shadows of lordaeron when non forsaken DKs wanted to join)

Forsaken are superior! (But still a stupid race.)


Forsaken now is a political identity. So I side yes assuming they pledge their allegiance to the Forsaken as a political identity.

You don’t get the Forsaken title just for being undead, but you generally get the undead title being Forsaken. As has been said, the Forsaken’s ranks include, have included, and could include, undead humans, high elves, and night elves, banshees, abominations, gargoyles, sanlayn, various 2nd gen DKs, and I think even a lich.

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“still a stupid race”

What wine pairs best with Dark Iron flesh? Asking for a friend.


Wine made of Horde blood!

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See this backbone, that makes it stupid. Man so many pretty robes ruined by backbone havin to show

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I think they enhance many robes.

For dwarves I usually go for something stout and dry.


I am going to agree with Aglaica, I don’t mine the undead but I HATE the backbone showing. I had or have a level 90 male rogue (in the nether twist) but I can not stand his backbone either.
As to my 2 DKs, Draenei and Blood Elf, will not a line themselves with the Forsaken. Their goals are to return to a normal life as much as possible. The Draenei is more of a comedian (I am sure that is a surprise to everyone), and the Blood Elf is a typical snobbish Blood Elf who seems to be accepted her others of her race.

Eh I wouldnt say the Forsaken have a real unified goal. Yeah you’ve the “Blight it all I live and die for the Banshee Queen” types but there’s plenty of others that just wanna make a buck or just live quietly somewhere.

But for them, the player Undead race specifically, there is no returning to a normal life. They arent human anymore. And while maybe some of their living cousins might accept them as a whole that’s not going to happen. They’re too different now.