As the title says, do smaller casual guilds still exist? I’ve been in chat for about a month looking for a guild now and the only ones I’m seeing are large guilds that aren’t really welcoming to new guildies.
I guess what I’m looking for is a smaller, friendly guild that enjoys running dungeons (without being super cliquey), helping with quests or just doing fun things, and tries to do MC/ZG possibly trying to get good enough to get into bwl weekly while struggling a little with the content or finding enough people. While being super relaxed in both settings.
I’m pretty quiet and honestly after 20 years of rude people I can’t stand the thought of pugs anymore. I love conversation (either in chat or disc) when I have something to add to it. I’m very helpful when not afk which can be a lot some days between my wife my kids. And am generally a decent player. Not the best but not the worst…
So back to the original question… do these guilds still exist or am I just being to picky with what I’m looking for?
Yes they exist. Go to thee server discord. And post that you’re LFG. People will be all over you like flies on poop. Way too many guilds out there right now.
horde or alliance?
I’m on Alliance. Wild Growth server
Do you know what the server discord is Elkwood?
Thanks for the replies btw.
*edited to add my server
You are more than welcome to join “Stoned and Honor” brother. Crusader strike server
I’m on Wild Growth as well, and Body Type Two isn’t a bad one to join. Right now it’s been fairly quiet as of late, but they still run MC/ZG, but mainly AQ at the moment. We’re not hardcore or anything, but we’re not super duper active either. If you were horde on WG, I’d invite you to Zero Expectations, pretty chill guild as well, always runnin dungeons and raids.
We exist! Actually Trash on Crusader Strike is chill af