Do blizzard crack down on reporting people

i wont name the person but a tank harassed me pretty bad on my mage just now so i reported him in the language section. story to it was i cc the bear on huntsman and attacked it and kept cc’ing it cuz he wanted more then 50 stacks. then harassed me because no one killed it til too late. he swore at me and only kept going on how it was my fault so in the second pull i decided in chat and in fight that i wont cc or touch it to make him happy but no one cc it or kill it. so he harass me even more because mind you i didnt touch it or cc yet there is OTHERS who can cc and kill it plenty of mage and hunters we have. how was it justified that i get KICKED for this like does blizzard even ban people like this jerk??? so now i got to wait another 3 hours just to go back in this raid. this isnt fair to me.


Blizzard’s moderation has always been garbage. Don’t listen to anyone who thinks otherwise. They’re privileged, probably, or just part of the problem. There are a LOT of stories. Cleaning up the community is up to Blizzard.


Why didn’t you just ask the tank what he specifically wanted you to do?

It sounds like a miscommunication to me. Maybe the tank had different expectations or maybe you were pulling aggro when you weren’t supposed to, Idk but next time, just ask.

If they answer in such a way that’s rude or overly aggressive, then just leave. Say no more and just go.

Life is too short to put up with people who won’t talk or explain themselves and expect everyone to automatically know everything ingame and be an expert at everything.
That’s just dumb.

No, it’s not fair but life isn’t fair. Everything in the universe comes back around so let that go. In 3 hours you’ll find a better group.

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They don’t moderate anymore in-game. On the forums, you get bots who take any mass-reported post and assign it a random number of days for a random reason (apparently). In-game, if someone is rude, I don’t think anything happens. So if someone is rude to me or my friends, I make my own fun punishments! For example, letting them die as a healer or gripping them to inconvenient places on cooldown. Pulling mobs to them with barrage + misdirect. Initiating a vote kick that says “bad healer/dps (whatever role I am)” and watching them vote the wrong person out. :wink:

Bonus points if they’re new to a raid team because you can befriend their gm, tell them omg that’s so funny I know this person too, he bullied my friend until they quit :frowning: and get them kicked out.

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They’ll probably get around into looking at it but I would probably be when you’ve forgotten about it in 2 weeks or so. And he’ll probably get a 12 hour ban if that.

Also if he continues to harass you need to make a ticket and choose the “ongoing harassment” which they typically take more seriously than just a bad language report.

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no there was only the instruction before the fight he said “cc the shade the spot is marked” but when the stack of 15 came i attacked it he said “Stop” so i waited til 50 stacks others were attacking it too he said "stop attacking so i cc it again to make him happy. i waited til 100 stacks to where it cant be cc’ed he still said “stop” but i ended up killing it quickly. we died shortly after. thats when the harassment started and kept going on like my story went how i typed it

Do they ban people for initiating a kick? No. A group member is free to initiate a kick for any reason whatsoever and as long as the kick passes (enough people agree and vote to kick), then the player is kicked.

About the only thing that is indeed actionable, would be the language that they used with you.

While some believe that nothing will be done, we’ve seen an up-tick in threads over in the CS forums where players have received aSilence for inappropriate chat and in some cases even a suspension when the chat used was beyond inappropriate or past account silences haven’t gotten the message across.

As for harassment, if you have placed the other player on ignore and they attempt to bypass that feature, that’s when you can report them for ongoing harassment.

Don’t get me wrong, it sounds like you had a tank who did a poor job communicating with you and the group and it sucks that you got kicked too.


Some things they act quickly on.
A couple of days ago somebody whispered my wife and me pretending to be a GM and threatening us with account actions. Named BlizzardGM or something like that. We both reported him/her/it and about ten minutes later we got the pop up “We have taken action against an account based on your report”.

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i got lucky and got the same tank currently in my new raid. i think they did silence him some people rolling on something but nothing was linked. must of been him offering a gear piece. well atleast i cant see him in chat no more thats a plus

It’s because you reported them for language. Everyone else can see them, but you can’t. When you right-click report a player, their account is temporarily ignored for the remainder of your the time the reporting character is logged in.


Thankfully this works in BGs too.
Some of those guys start complaining before the match even starts.

If you add him to your Ignore list officially, you won’t be grouped with him anymore.

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no, blizzard won’t ban someone for being an idiot or being mean to you. and they shouldn’t because they aren’t kindergarten teachers.