Do a Crossover - Your Choice

Crossover: Star Trek, World of Warcraft
Summary: The Pandaren are evil, the Mogu were the good guys all along, and Tasha Yar was slain by a Sha

This story starts when the Mogu were created by the Titans, to shape and protect the land.

The twist is that… that’s all they ever did. Long before the Pandaren Empire, or Shaohao, the Mogu knew of the Pandaren ability to create sha by purging themselves of negative emotions.

The Mogu knew because the Mogu are Azeroth’s ditch-diggers!
" The mogu are a titan-forged race manufactured by the Forge of during the ordering of Azeroth. They were created to dig out the myriad waterways and rivers of the world."

The Mogu dug up the first Sha and defeated them!

As custodians, the Mogu ruled over the Pandaren to prevent this ability from developing, so the Sha would not come about, and destroy the land. As Garrosh showed us, this is exactly what unearthed Sha do: They destroy the land, which the Mogu were created to protect.

When Shaohao purged his negative emotions, he actually created the Sha. His wiki refers to him as a “creature of pure light” after he was purged.

This is where the crossover comes in, as Armus, the creature that slew Tasha Yar, described himself as the cast-off evil of “beings of pure light whose beauty now dazzles all who behold them”.

Armus is a Sha, created through the Pandaren technique of purging negative emotions. Whether he was created by the Pandaren themselves who flee Azeroth long before Star Trek’s pre-human Ancient Era (including such ancient species and civilisations as the Iconians, the Tkon, and Sargon’s race) or whether the Pandaren simply shared the technique is unimportant.

The important thing is that with Draenei technology, the Pandaren flee Azeroth and are around in Star Trek’s Ancient Era, creating Sha.

There is a reason Pandaren cannot avoid creating Sha when they become enlightened, and that this technique will continue to produce Sha - it will never and can never be safe.

The Pandaren are magical creatures capable of using Chi. When they purge their negative emotions, becoming creatures of pure light, and using Chi to do this, their evil selves are separated from their good selves, who have become so good that they are incapable of harbouring enough malice even to kill pure evil. Thus, their evil lives on, buried physically in the land, waiting to be unearthed.

It’s reasonable that the Pandaren would be completely in the dark about the Mogu reason for enslaving them, since the Mogu have gone to great lengths to hide this Pandaren capability from the Pandaren.

We also know that Chi can be taught. Now that the Mogu are beaten back, there’s a Pandaren in every capital city, teaching everyone Chi.

This is a disaster waiting to happen. This is the worst case scenario the Mogu were trying to stop, though even they may have forgotten that over time.

As the Azerothian races eventually spread out across the universe, there will be powerful monks among them, all searching for enlightenment. Most of these people do not know that the end goal of their training must create a Sha.

At first, the Milky Way will be plagued with Sha. They will destroy all of the ancient races, and in the end, the only way to purge them will be to purge anyone infected by them.

By this time, the Pandaren have moved on to ruin other galaxies. A few Sha remain in the Milky Way.

In short, the Pandaren need to be genocided, and all knowledge of Chi erased from Azeroth. It’s the only way to save the universe.

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Two come to mind.

Warcraft and the warriors franchise. Please blizzard…give Koei Tecmo the ok. I need this in my life.

Fate grand order cross over. Assassin sylvanas, berserker garrosh, saber Varian, caster jaina, rider mechatorque, Archer tyrande, lancer voljin.

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Wow and monster hunter

Specially this cat folks, running around with your character :heart_eyes:

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I don’t think I’m very good at this game. I was going to say Star Wars/WoW but I’ve already got Force Choke so I’m good on that front. My next choice was Warcraft and Battletech but orcs piloting giant war machines on distant planets is sounding awfully familiar.

Well the obvious one is Warcraft and Starcraft - or has that been done to death?

World of Warcraft + Minecraft


World Of Warcraft:Star Wars Imperial Invasion :scream:

In all seriousness though I would love to see a Warcraft/Warhammer crossover.


Too soon.

WoW x Final Fantasy

Plot: you’ve nearly killed a murloc, it runs away for help, and now there’s guppy murrgleurrgles chasing you!


I have one for you. WOW/SWTOR crossover

During the Battle for Azeroth, the Alliance is invading Lorderon in the attempt to take it back from the Horde. But unknown to them, above them, in space, 3 Harrower Class Dreadnoughts are engaged in battle with ships from the Republic and the Sith Empire in attempt to destroy them. They destory 2 of them, but the last one manages to get into the Azeroth’s atmosphere and the gravity of the planet pulls the ship where they crash land in Northrend. Killing anything within the impact of the ship.

Survivors, include the 7 characters I created in Swtor, 7 of the companions, 2 legions of officers and troops formerly of the Empire and a swarm of droids. Astromechs, Protocal and Battle Droids. A handful of the droids are HK-51 droids.

That’s all I have so far