DMF/Yojamba Guards Please

Look, I get it, I’m on a pvp server, ganking comes with the territory. But griefing Buffs isn’t PvP, its toxic. For the love of God can we get guards at DMF (Both factions) and Yojamba island.

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  1. setup nova world buffs to auto get dmf buff, and to auto afk bg.
  2. bind “interact with target” in the WoW keybind options
  3. Make your way to the DMF. When you’re close, get q’d for a bg
  4. Die on top of Sayge.
  5. Run back and wait as a ghost until your bg pops. When it does, target sayge, rez and spam your interact with target keybind. Once you see the buff animation enter the BG
    5.5 You can also macro interact with target with defensive abilities or potions . FAPS/LIPS can help if it’s really camped. Ice Block/Dispersion/Barkskin/Healthstone/whatever you got
  6. Chuck the deuces as you fade into your bg.

The people camping DMF are pretty lol since yea if you’re trying to grief someone’s DMF buff you shouldn’t kill them by Sayge.

I have yet to see any out of the regular pvp at Yojamba’s. If you have to death run it once w/e not that big a deal.

I honestly wish they’d apply that debuff they do in the STV event where you can’t be targeted or target anyone for 15secs when you rez.

Would solve so many griefing issues.