Dmf griefers who cares if its pvp server

dead horde shamans camping the mage portals and the cities just waiting for buffs to drop

Except only DM Tribute and Songflower buffs are dispellable and chronoboon exists. Not sure what a dead dispeller would be waiting for. The 1 person every 3 hours that forgets to boon?

have u tried touching :peach:?

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Ima say it again… only change that needs to happen is the ?? guards that can aggro to horde even while in the faire.

otherwise i stand by “PVP problems have PVP solutions”

Congratulations. You signed up on a PVP server. Quite literally receiving the experience you requested. If, however this is not the experience you expected Lava Lash is a fantastic pve server where this issue does not exist. You can reroll here at any time. Either way I wish you luck.

I am horde for life.
Took the cool down on DMF buff a couple times this weekend getting killed at the fair. Yes, allys were camping.

In the end we divised a PvP plan that worked, and got our buff after all.

Stop crying.
Re-Roll PvE server, or Re-Roll alliance.

Hello there

Yes, it is that boring

I agree with you dude but PvP servers are toxic and you consent to camping, griefing, and d-baggery when you sign on to one. Theres no code of ethics on PvP servers and you just have to deal with it or roll PvE. Thats why i play PvE servers and now that i’m on a PvP server (because my friends wanted to) I don’t bother with open world stuff lol.

Yep. I made a huge mistake. The 5 friends who insisted we play on PvP servers have all quit. So yep. Here I am, 5 level 40s and 25 days played. Way too late to reroll at this point.

So it is what it is. Ill keep my dungeon farming and avoid PVP until the season ends / we get xfers.

Oh well.

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You are red, you are ded little unded. You n the cows n the orcs are not welcomed in elwynn forest.

100% agree with this. WPVP isn’t what it used to me (maybe because I was on Horde and then in an Alliance Hard Core PVP guild and was the one doing the griefing). BUT, you also didn’t have players 10 to 20 levels higher in the questing areas, hanging around there just to GRIEF. It’s griefing not ganking. The DMF should have immunity.

Another thing: It makes me SICK to see my own faction ganking Horde as they try to get into Gnomer. Should be a safe zone.

The only part that’s annoying is those losers stand on top of lvl 1 civilians. But given that there’s nothing that matters at rank 5 and the devs didn’t even code the trinket correctly so you can still use it after losing rank, who tf cares

Well, it’s because people weren’t trying to parse 99s back then every raid night. It’s the most intense kind of pvp to deny a pve try hard their buffs.