Dmf griefers who cares if its pvp server

When will people learn to just have their friend or guildy queue up a BG for them, wait til it pops, run in to grab buff, then enter the BG immedialty and /afk out. It’s really that easy.

That really sucks for the people in the BG, i hope they fix this

And the answer to all this is…yes! and that’s why rolling on a PvE server is a GREAT idea.


I like the point made earlier…
PVP problems that have PVP solutions arent problems…

HOWEVER i do see how the ?? guards right next to the fair is kinda BS

All this rage when you could have just selected a care bear server on character creation :confused:

Get the buff earlier and store it so you’re ready for your raid knowing you have to rush home from work to make it on time?


t. the broccoli-top PVP pumper

I only grief shamans. Ethical griefing.

Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s griefing.

You know how you avoid the people who strip buffs off of you the DMF?
Don’t go solo.
It’s an Multiplayer game, bring some other players with you.

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boo hoo… go gank some more lowbies to feel better like a good horde

Remember when horde camped menethil boat all of phase 2 classic and all alliance had was level 40 guards that did nothing while horde had level 50+ goblins with nets and guns that knocked back defending the zeppelins? Because i do.

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they could just make DMF a sanctuary where you eventually unflag, that way you cant exploit the sanctuary but people can still camp DMF to their heart’s content while you get your buff. At that point the only people who will cry about that imo are degens who just want you to lose buffs

yea i remember… i played ally back then… this situation is much different my guy

I just roll in with a raid and we kill every flagged ally then grab buff and leave.


Make friends?

Ask in LFG if there is a DMF raid?

Start a raid yourself?

It’s pretty simple…


hehe pvp brings out the best in people, it kills it! but it does bring it out heh.

my only point is the ?? guards that aggro on u even while just in the faire

Yeah, this situation is fair.

A level 60 Orc/UD Rogue camping the Darkshore ↔ Menethil boat is completely different from a random level 40 rogue killing other level 40s.

It’s not that hard to get a mate to queue you up for a BG.

Die near Sayge. Wait for BG to pop, res, get buff, enter BG, /afk out

welcome to pvp servers.

WoW has been out for 20 years and people still complaining that PvP happens on PvP servers… you would have thought they would have learned by now.

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rubs hands together just wait till dire maul and songflower rend buffs its going to be so sssswwwweeeeeetttttt