DLSS / Frame Gen or Working FSR?

Is there any news in this being added … or is it even compatible with wow (not sure of what limitations there are)? Coming to wow and getting less than 60fps in dungeons / less in raids after playing other games at or near ultra settings at 165fps feels pretty awful

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It would be interesting, but WoW is primarily CPU-bound because of its two-thread usage. Frame generation wouldn’t alleviate the bottleneck, and I assume the input lag would be significant. What’s your GPU/Resolution?

I’d assume anything 2080 and up could keep dungeons at 60+ FPS if we are talking 1080p. Valdrakken and big hubs are always going to tank FPS due to how the engine works. There’s not much can be done about that.

I get 250+ fps in dungeons on a laptop bro, with everything on max + ray tracing.
upgrade your pc.

In raids there is a separate graphic setting that will only kick in raids, turn it down and you should be 200+ fps.

FSR worked for a while on AMD Radeon GPUs, but I believe it broke sometime around DF S2 and far as anyone knows, it’s still not functional.

Not sure why anyone would need DLSS for WoW, game is about as graphically intense as an actual potato lol.

Yea, if you set everything to low, it will look how it did in 2004.

Can tell you don’t play on max settings.

You def need a good pc for max graphics.

Define “good” because the specs for the game don’t support that claim, at least to me lol.

Good = 150+ fps in the new zones on max settings with ray tracing.

You will not get that on max settings on a toaster pc.

You will be around 40 fps on a 1080 gtx. which is trash.

Ok but a 1080 is multiple generations dated lol.