DKs are laughable

I like when the dk and all his homies swing by to collect rent money from me AND THEY ALL GOT AMS FOR SOME REASON


shamans always get the short end of the stick for the most part

Spellslinger is completely passive with no visual augmentations. Even got a talent for mirror images thats just…an extra mirror image.

Sunfury has no amazing visual upgrades or kit changes, its entire passively as well barring the baby phoenix who spawns on major cd useage.

Frostfire gave us one thing. You can slightly walk in iceblock like torghast talent, which is a DOA talent no one will ever use in PVE/PVP. Frostfire bolt animation is OK, not really visually as impressive as an older skill like chaos bolt its really not that noticeable graphically.

DK got- A better version of paladin steed. Can literally run around on mount in world PVP- an amazing and pretty cool unique change for them to have mounted combat and the 4 horsemen who also run you down.

Trying to compare anything mage got as game changing as a DK having mounted PVP combat in open world, which I pointed out above is low quality bait. The equiv would be if mirror images suddenly got reworked with hero talents and popped out 4 images that copied my spells and blinked around and you couldn’t tell which was real one or something.

I think its pretty cool some classes had people who really wanted to shape a vision for a spec and make it happen. Some classes/specs were clear winners in the hero talent situation and some were very much clear losers.

Just how it goes, the same can be said for elite sets going back forever, some are very much clear winners and some are a joke lol. I have primal elite on my mage, you wanna argue thats as good as the warrior primal elite or rogue? Go on I’m all ears


I feel like most people would disagree with you but you can hold whatever opinions you want right or wrong.

You are free to feel anyway you want, you won’t find “most people” around here. In 2 decades of WoW there is always clear winners/losers when it comes to spec/talent attention and abilities and class design both functionally and aesthetically. Additional to tier bonus and mog/elite set designs.

How it will always be and always has been. Sometimes you pull a nice one and sometimes you don’t. Its not the end of the world. To pretend parity exists and expecting an echo chamber to back you on that, idk about that one.


All I was saying is I think your perception of the mage talents are potentially inaccurate. Every mage In multiple guilds, pvp friends, YouTube videos and comments, have all highly praised mages hero talents for their visuals and gameplay effects. But I play evoker mage has too many buttons for me, but I do notice the sun fire mages in my group for sure and that’s sick af.

It’s actually a pretty crazy statement that DH of all classes rerolled to fury war XD You’re not even wrong, it’s just that DH is that undertuned and fury war is that overtuned

Why is that a crazy statement, both specs are braindead easy to play, they both appeal to the same handless ape target demographic.


Praying to the good lord that DH stays garbage for the entire expansion


its nerfed to 15% in pvp


Not sure why. Thrall is the games most important character and he’s a shaman.

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this is def real

enhancement is one of the specs that IMO has received a TON of visual love over the last few years and even continuing with the stormbringer hero tree

i don’t really know how anyone can have the opinion that every spec (or honestly even class) is given the same polish


If it makes you feel better, the DK mog this season looks out of place aesthetically unless it’s on a troll type race. The mage mog made me level a mage.

DK seems okay tbh, wouldn’t say its on the same tier as fury, feral, frost mage.

Clearly you don’t understand how pvp modifiers work. None of that is true in pvp.

The perma mount is disabled besides open world. The reduced damage you’re referring to along with many other defensive talents are 50% or more reduced in pvp.


I don’t know if DK is OP or not, haven’t tried anything competitive yet.

But if we are we’ll probably get a nerf a week before the season starts like what happened in Dragonflight season 1.

I think that is nerfed by 50% in PvP for a centuary now.

Who doesn’t right now? But there is a difference between dmg and kill potential. When I play Fury I just clap people as long as my mates don’t die. When I play UDK, I do shine on the scoreboard but can’t kill without the help of my mates, because most DPS do have more selfhealing than my diseases do damage.

That is a huge difference!

Last time I tested that on the beta, it didn’t work in arena. Most play with the other talent, which also mounts them up, but they aren’t really mounted, just an animation.


The echos of bus shock live on


Honestly it sucks when your fav spec is not in that spot. Some specs stay in the gutter for years with dead talents and others feel like it gets a rework every week comparatively functionally and visually. Esp if you wanna play what you like/enjoy and not whats meta. Defeats point of MMO.

I think its just a result of having no one at the reigns as head of a class anymore and not even bothering to lean on players with a community council type forum for each spec.

Especially regarding balance, if its janky or off pretty sure the people spending hundreds of hours playing it can point them in the right direction.

Cosmetics/visuals not as simple but I’m still waiting for every class to receive our parity love and get something as special as green fire quest :joy:

I just looked this up and holy crap is that awful.

It’s the honour set but without a face mask, that’s it.

That’s criminal compared to the warrior, dk, and rogue one.

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