DK Wielding

It’s the illusion of choice, you actually do crap dual wielding.

In all honesty I’ve always treated Frost like a dual wielding spec even back in Wrath when they tried to make it the tank spec. Unholy just feels strangely right with a huge weapon, more so if you put apocalypse rune on it to make your ghouls deal debuffs. Blood…I’ve got no clue as I’ve never really sat down and tried to figure them out. Each their own though

That’s the problem, they can’t get it to work on Frost - it needs a total rework because it is so bad compared to the other DK specs. Depending on who you ask, the ability to use 2h AND dual is one of the main problems, because it divides how the spec plays and Blizz haven’t tuned it around that for both PvE and PvP.

Because they took away the best DPS spec from DKs in Wrath. Blood Dps was amazing fun.

Haven’t played a DK seriously since then.

Personally I don’t know why dk was given dual wield in the first place. All 3 specs should have been 2h only from the start.


I really hope they do fix Frost 2H before TWW, or at least start during season 4.