Dk vs paladin in TWW in PVE

Just wondering if the DK rework will make this class comparable to PLD in terms of strength, flow of gameplay and utility. Talking dps and tanking specs.

Thanks so much for your time!

Keep in mind, numbers tuning is usually always the last thing to be done.

Tank wise, blood is looking to be very strong, but we haven’t seen the blood changes yet. The devs are also still working on things in general and mentioned more dk changes are coming still.

The newest changes to dk do look promising. Currently, I think both ret and frost/uh look to be very fun for tww.

I think you couldn’t go wrong with dk or paladin. I am biased though, and say dk.

Raid utility, paladin could be argued to be better unless you need deathgrip.


Thanks so much! Numbers are not super important but fun and smoothness of rotation is. I just feel like PLD is a bit boring and i tend to fall asleep playing it. Nothing against ret, just me.

I don’t think DK dps will ever flow as well for me personally so long as cleave is tied to death and decay. It is far to clunky and frustrating, at least in M+


You may enjoy dk then since UH and frost play differently, and offer a couple differently styles as well.

I do agree with the other post, I am not a fan of cleaving strikes. That being said, I still have a ton of fun dps or tanking as a dk.

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I mean, i played Paladin in wrath and one of the biggest things was Concecrate. I am not sure i understand why D&D is so hated for cleave since it’s one of the abilities you’ll be using anyway, right?

Wouldn’t classes like shaman be worse when they have to use a completely different rotation for AOE then they would for ST?

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We won’t know until closer to launch but lets be real paladin’s a better choice. They’re essentially an instant cast ranged class at this point. They bring an ungodly amount of utility compared to other melee. They have bubble to cheese mechanics and better defensives than DK with shorter cooldowns.

The ret rework was insanity and they need to be brought back in line with other melee. There’s a reason they’re being played at almost 10x the rate of DK in keys. DK’s starting to approach enhance and feral levels of participation and those classes have other specs that are great.

Could they be tuned poorly and fall off? Sure, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

Paladin received several reworks in dragonflight… Seems like they are either lost with the class and just don’t want it to be bad while they figure it out, or are hellbent on making it daddy’s perfect princess.

I have no idea if the paladin we’ll see in WW will be close to even what is on alpha right now.

No way to compare.

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Balancing is a long way off. Nobody can answer this right now.

This is tough to answer because it is extremely subjective. On one side of the spectrum is ret and BM hunter. On the other end of the spectrum you have specs like enhancement and outlaw. DK falls somewhere in the middle. However, DK does have the advantage of having two melee specs. If you don’t like one for whatever reason you can go for the other.

No class can compete with a well played paladin in utility. DK is not even close, and never will be.

Overall, its really tough to compare any melee to ret because ret is just bonkers right now. Will they be reigned in a bit in TWW? One would think so, but no guarantees. The devs are hellbent on making sure ret is good at everything- so much so that either the devs play ret or someone important at the company does.

It isn’t an accident that ret makes up nearly half the melee representation in timed keys.


Unless there’s major changes it’s going to stay the same. DK would need something insane to compete with rets utility and damage. Ret is such an extreme outlier they need massive nerfs.


DF was such a Paladin expansion in PvE and PvP. Unreal busted.

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Why would you want dk to play just like paladins??? If you like paladins, then play paladins… you shouldnt be pushing for classes to play like each other. Then whats the point of classes…

I dont. I want it to be a good gameplay like a paladin but it can be a different play style.

By the sound of it dk is not great now but might be good in tww.

Ty all for input.

I think the sentiment here is more we’d like the level of attention and polish Paladins have gotten for just about an expansion and a half.

Because they got like four talent reworks or major adjustments now if you include the war within changes, and we’re only now getting quality of life updates on alpha.

Imagine if Paladin launched in DF with like four mandatory talents that just reduced the cooldown of Wake of Ashes and Avenging Wrath, and then they nerfed them and never touched them again.

That’s death knight.

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Hey friend, he’s talking about how easy it is for the paladin to play, it doesn’t depend on whether the tank moves or not, he can just play calmly, the dk can’t…

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HAHAHA try doing pvp with it

I get wanting more attention. But paladins are a far more popular class than dks, even though theyve been listening to players for the past two expansions for frost. People wanted more power in 2h hand back, and for it to cram all its power in obliterate. They did that and this has ruined the spec where nothing does actual damage besides obliterate. Its actually become over 50% of obliterations damage, and everything else hits like a wet noodle.

After having this literal conversation about dk vs paladins on the dk discord, im thinking its the same guy lol. The guy just loved playing ret and wanted dk to just be like paladins. Like no… we arent paladins and i preferred if they were completely different from one another. Sure id like more changes. i just dont think itd be good for our dev to listen to more player thoughts about making us similar to another class.