So I’ve been talking to other dks and it seems that some of us don’t have the DK option. All I have is the boring regular human voice and I was wondering is there a fix?
I mean was that even a thing back in actual wrath or was it you know…added in the future?
My blood elf dk has the death knight distortion.
This may come as a surprise to you, but death knights did indeed get released with the deathknight voice alteration. Blizzard even included a toggle in the sound settings to turn it on and off.
I usually play with music or a TV show or movie on my second monitor so I actually haven’t noticed. I just hopped on my DK to check it out and I have the distortion.
Im jealous.
It was there day 1 and it’s also a toggle option under sound settings.
DK voice works for me.
Ima cry fr.
So, I believe I found a fix for you. I found this thread, and tested it. I added "SET Sound_EnableDSPEffects “0” " to the line, restarted my game and my death knight voice filter was gone, I sounded like a regular human. I then changed the “0” to “1”, reloaded the game and the voice filter is back.
So if you do the same, go into the config in your “WTF” folder and add SET Sound_EnableDSPEffects “1” , you should now have your death knight voice distortion activated.
I love you, you’re a great person.
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