Hello! I am a seasoned wow player, having raided Heroic/Mythic in MoP, WoD, BFA, and Shadowlands. Ontop of my retail raiding experience I have also played in classic and TBC. During TBC I was a cofounder of the guild Chonglers which is still around on Grobbulus today. I parted ways with them as they wanted to go in a more casual direction than I desired.
I am planning on moving to Mankrik (already have a level 70 warlock I hand leveled that I play casually atm) and am going to roll a death knight at prepatch that I intend to raid with as a tank in WoTLK. I have experience tanking as a blood dk on retail and even have experience with both frost and blood dk tanking on a WoTLK private server. With this being said, I am looking for a raid team that is looking for another tank to raid with. I would be a valuable attribute as I have raid leading experience and as a tank, can help coordinate the team.
As far as how I plan to play the game, I am trying to level to 80 as fast as possible. I am not going for realm first or anything like that but as I did for tbc’s launch, I intend to get time off to grind to 80 within the first few days and even try to get into 10 man naxx the same week. I have experience doing this from a wotlk private servers release. While I am going to go hard at the start, after the first few weeks I will want to raid 2x per week while we farm the content. When Heroic mode raids such as ToC and ICC come out I will want to raid more frequently to progress quickly through the content.
Let me know if you I’d be a good fit. Contact me on discord - Spud#4702