Dk pre looking for guild

Hello, so I will be a blood dk looking for a guild that will go after achievements,titles, and mounts in wotlk.
Days and time dont matter to much, but I would perf to raid on the start of the weekly reset aka Tue,Weds, and Thur so we can pug, run older raids or clean up on a weekend raid if we need to.
A bit about my exp on dks:
I have been a dk main from wotlk up to legion I have more then 1000 days of /played on my reail dk but I have not played retail much in last few xpacks.
I played frost/unholy in og wtolk and did not go tank tell cata on heroic gatekeeper.
This time around Id love to start off as blood tanking and see the early days of blood.

I have a good bit of items ready to speed level my dk up to 70 and work on gear to help me push to 80 on wotlk. I have a good bit gold saved up, as well and eng, jc, and 1st aid kit ready to go.
I have my tbc main/alts to help my dk out as well with ore and herbs and I have a max lv hunter, and pally I can also do side raids on as I will lv them up as well to help with mats anyways.
I know if may seen a bit early as Dks are not out yet but with the rush of them I was thinking why not post a bit early pre patch is soonish and so are dks anyways.

Greetings Keanucleaves! Rested XP is looking for more DPS for Wrath. Our group will raid on Saturdays and maybe Sunday evenings. Raid signup sheet is available via Discord. Visit our Discord at