DK LF Guild

I am looking for a guild to run 16+s and looking for a guild that raids anywhere between the days Mon-Fri, anywhere between 5pm-10pm est. I would consider 10:30pm est but 11pm was to much for me before and would like to stay involved. I dont care if we do lfr/normal/heroic/mythic raiding i just want to be apart of a fun atomsphere. Its a game not a job so please find me!

9/9 Normal Arberus
9/9 Heroic Arberus
Mythic IO 2440

Im not a try hard sweaty player, but i am skilled enough to mythic raid. In my experience mythic raiding is usually what tears a guild apart. Right now im maining my unholy dk, play a little frost, i can tank on him, but routes and awareness will need some work.

Also im an enigneer who brings mailboxes, repairs, and transmog on the spot (the new toy really ruined that last one for me)

Hey Thicdaddy,
Lets chat

Corrupted Intent is a 21+ horde guild on the server Area 52 looking for like minded players to come join us, with an AOTC/Mythic mindset.


  • Knowledge of class/fights and prepared for the raid
  • Communication
  • 80% attendance & punctuality & accountability for raids
  • Progression Mindset, and a team player, includes ability to take constructive criticism

Raid Days & Times:

Fri & Sat 8-11pm EST

Current Progression
3/9 M ATSC 9/9H ATSC

Healers: R Druid
Dps: Mage, Balance Druid, Enh Sham, DK, Dev/Aug Evoker, Warrior

Any and all players that feel they would be a good fit, should apply whether your role/class is listed or not

While raiding is our primary focus we do also welcome any player interested in Mythic + as well.

Contact Information:
Btag: Aria#13773
Discord: xstarlite

Hello Thicdaddy, I’m Nei from In a Pickle on Thrall! I believe we might be the right fit! We’re always looking for more to join us for fun adventures. We’re an 18+ AOTC, M+ & Fun Events Guild. We have explicit language and banter (all in fun!). We’re a very chill and laid back Guild, WoW is our escape from IRL so it’s important to have fun while progressing as a team, not to be in a 2nd full time job without fun.

A bit about us: Most of us are in our late 20s to 30s, with a few being older! We strongly believe IRL should always take priority over WoW. A lot of our members/raiders have families and other priorities outside of WoW. WoW is life but not that literally. - We strive to have a welcoming and fun atmosphere for all our members new and old.

Below is our current scheduled activity days:

  • Tues & Weds: During Raid Prog: Raid Night 9pm EST until 11pm EST
  • Tues & Weds: After AOTC Achieved: Based on group(s) availability and interest. Fun-Run’s 9pm EST until 11pm EST Consists of: M raids of current/previous xpac, meta raid/dungeon achievement runs, mount/transmog runs for older raid/dungeons
  • Thurs: M+ Night 8pm EST until group(s) decide to call it

Our forums post with more information about our Guild!

Would love to chat more to see if we’d be a good fit!
Bnet: Neithia
Disc: neithia