I’m looking for a cool group to run M+ and to raid ~2 nights a week (preferably between Monday-Thursday). I’m available to play almost every day but mostly late nights EST. I’m currently planning to main a UH DK. Will be willing to server transfer.
I used to be a hardcore raider during Vanilla to WotLK days, been mostly casual since but would like to get back into raiding for SL. If we can clear Mythic raids great! If not that’s cool too but would like to at least aim for AOTC and have a consistent group of friends to run things with.
Our dates might not work out the best for you but here is our guild info below if you are interested in learning more!
Deep Smash is an AOTC guild on Zul’jin-US with individuals whose goal is to progress through Mythic as far as possible each tier. We expect every raider to come with knowledge of each fight and be there on time. If you’re looking for a fun environment and a great group of people to play with, come apply!
*We are always recruiting casual members and players that only want to do M+
Tuesday: 8:00 - 11:00pm EST
Friday: 8:00 - 11:00pm EST
Monday: 8:00 - 11:00pm EST - Optional depending on progress
Recruitment Needs
We are looking for all players that are consistently looking to improve every week and hungry for a competitive environment.
Tanks: Need all
Healers: Need all (preferred Druid, Shaman, Monk)
DPS: Need all
DBM/BigWigs & Weakauras
How to Apply
Contact me on game or discord with the names listed below or leave a comment on this thread with your B-Tag or discord name
contact info
Vodel: Lorzhul#1272 (bnet) / Lorzhul#6102 (discord)
Thanks but 8 might be too early for me
Hello there Hadoukens!
I’m Wookiee, Guild Leader for Thud and Blunder on Emerald Dream.
Our raid times might be a little early for you (7:30pm to 11pm eastern, Tuesday and Thursday) but we have people on late at night running mythic + and just chilling if you want to come hang out with us. We are AOTC focused and are in need of another DK for our roster.
If you’re interested in giving us a try, hit me up on bnet at Baldngwookie#1117 or Wookiee#9104 on Discord. Hope to hear from you soon!
Hi Hadoukens! Love the name!
We are currently actively seeking a DK to fill up our roster for shadowlands and moving forward!
We’re looking for players with prior mythic experience who want to raid a somewhat casual schedule while utilizing some of the best-practices you see in more serious environments.
We raid 7-10pm Eastern Mon, Wed, Thurs and take advantage of our limited hours by coming to raid well prepared and highly organized. As an example, we use PTR testing footage and logs to create strats we’ll use during week 1. There’s an example from Ny’alotha in our recruitment information, and we also already have guides posted internally for Castle Nathria.
Our primary organizational focus is on maintaining a positive and productive raid culture. We’re willing to make short term sacrifices like investing in a player who shows potential and needs some gear and some practice or removing a player who might be highly skilled individually but isn’t on board with playing as a team and keeping the raid culture positive.
If those practices and values speak to you, have a look at our recruitment post and drop us an application if you like what you see.
Check us out here! Reformed 12/12m guild with main focus on CE and pushing M+
with a group of friends and enjoying the game!
Fireforged is an adult Heroic Raid Team on Proudmoore (US) that is preparing for Shadowlands, and is looking to add some great new additions to our home. We are interested in meeting new friendly people who want to join us in raids and M+. Our environment is friendly, chill, and also earnest towards downing content. Our goal is to ever grow as a team, so we expect our raiders to know their role and class, keep up with their gear, keep up with class changes, and to have a good team attitude.
We are looking for active and social players that don’t just log on just for raid nights. We want players that are looking for a place to call home, and be socialzing active in the guild and discord. We have alot of members that enjoy running M+, and its a good way to build relationships and get to know each other better.
Schedule: Friday &; Saturday 7:30pm-10:00pm PST (10:30PM-1:00AM EST)
Optional Normal Night: Wed 7:30pm-9:30pm Normal Raid
Monthly Off-Week: We take one week off from raiding per month. Though our off weeks slow our progression, we feel that it is a nice trade-off to have a free weekend for other things every month and also to preserve enthusiasm for the game.
*We choose to remain a Heroic Raid Team and do not plan on pursuing Mythic content, maybe dabble on the first couple bosses if heroic becomes farmable for an extended time. We do not want to have to deal with a fixed 20 man raid number, and where the time vs reward is too much. We have plenty of raiders that have Mythic experience or CE experience, but want to enjoy the game at a casual level of play and focus on relationships with other members in the guild.
Contact Us!
Bnet: Alex#117188
Guild Discord: https://discord.gg/C9gFeWs
Thank you for your time reading this, and hope to see you joining us soon!