The dk gets nerf’d into the absolute ground with healing and no changes to lock, highlights how absolute garbage this next season is going to be. If you think locks are fine and do not need any reduction in self healing, you’re just trolling. The heavy handiness of nerfs while leaving some classes untouched is why people quit playing pvp and why people quit playing the game.
Don’t believe me? Look at locks in both S3/S4 in both pvp and pve.
There are more changes coming. These changes were mostly good so let’s wait to see what else changes soon
Also prekick locks trying to justify defensive capabilities.
Nothing to justify. It’s the same reason locks always had higher stam and a 20% soul link until a couple of recent expansions.
Cloth. Caster. Low mobility is (needs to be) offset with more defensives.
Take blink/freezes/resets away from mage it and quickly makes sense why locks are tanky.
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The predictability of Warlock behavior is one of the only constants in World of Warcraft.
You’re one of those people who try to use “gotchas” as the sole basis of your points.
You saying words doesn’t make those words true.
That’s like me going “Inb4 rets trying to justify why they need wings and bubble.”
Saying words doesn’t make the words valid.
Joke’s on you, I’ve always been a firm supporter of Paladins losing divine shield.
I must be tired, just recognized the name.
Have a good one.
I don’t recognize you at all.
warlocks self healing is easily locked down get it?
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The way it reads is the next pass won’t be until AFTER the season is live. 2 days is more than enough time to get ahead playing busted specs.
Don’t understand why they’re doing it this way. It’s a secret to absolutely no one DH/Fury/WW/Spriest/Lock need the DK treatment.
Dh and lock need to be adjusted.
No excuses nerfs should be there next week.
Nerf multiple DK abilities by large numbers up to 50%. Hunt gets a 10% nerf, like what are we doing here guys seriously lmao.
The cube crawlers had a better idea what to do.
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