It needs to go . I am sick of being flung out of bounds and knocked out of a game by a slinger.
lol DK is the least played class in the game i think you will survive
It doesn’t matter how MANY there are , what matters is it’s an EXPLOIT . No class should be able to SLING another out of bounds and take them out of a game .
nerf death grip and DK may aswell get removed from the game its already the worst class in the game by a mile
people call anything they don’t like these days an exploit.
I mean tbh, while I wouldn’t call this an exploit necessarily, there is similar stuff that absolutely qualifies.
e.g. the knock-through-the-world glitch people abuse should be bannable if done consistently.
I mean I get it, been through it plenty, it’s just a priest issue and it’s far from an exploit.
I think there should be some counterplay here as it’s literally just unfun, but at the same time, they aren’t really achieving anything as removing a DPS slot and 1 healer, sort of evens the game out if you ask me.
This is only a big issue on Silvershard and 1 healer alone is more than enough to handle 4 Dps vs 3, if they have more DPS you should be winning other carts, I can honestly say I haven’t actually ever lost to a DK doing this strat, it’s just completely unfun to be on the receiving side.
I’ve started trinketing the blind if they don’t AMS and fade/feathering tf outta there and towards cart. It is something where if you play perfectly you can escape, but the DK just has to be a monkey and press grips so it’s entirely on you.
Edit: I realise you’re 60 so maybe it’s a skill issue here instead because other healers have plenty of counterplay here.
I would say being thrown out of bounds by a talent is too op’d for any class and it being used as such should be bannable
I don’t mind dk tanks having a spammable grip ….but unholy or frost should have grip on a longer cd. I get why dk tanks need it. But not unholy or frost. Increase their offensive kit some other way but need to move away from this type of cc. Increase their dot damage like feral…
thread summed up.
A skill issue would imply there is actually something you can do to stop it as a priest.
Unless he uses double grip into greater fade then I guess you can stay away for awhile.
Which there isn’t if a dk manages to get you into the water or not even in the water just somewhere he can reliably keep chains on you there is quite literally nothing you can do to escape personally on a 0 mobility class like priest.
This is because priest mobility is stuck in classic wow for some reason.
It’s double bad if he’s on blood cause now he’s unkillable to. And it’s even triple bad cause he has lichborne to break your main cc and icebound to break everything else. So yeah you literally can’t get away.
You need team help to get away from a dk as a priest which having to dedicate 3 or so people just to making sure one of your healers can actually play the game is a huge hindrance in a 10v10 or 15v15.
Maybe you can electric shock him off when he doesn’t have deaths advance up but that only works outside water.
I wonder if they’ve ever considered any kind of DR on grip. Would be interesting if they had 2nd grip on DR only take you 50% of the distance and the 3rd only 25%. Then nothing until DR wears off.
The thing I really don’t like is that I can outplay a grip and I’m just immediately gripped again by the same or another player.
its sort of rock meet paper then.
grip has a lot of things that override it or even disrupt the player from being pulled mid flight, and it also has a really high fizzle out rate for some reason even when you are accounting for normal factors. this is why DKs take the talent that gives them 2 charges of grip, because it fails so often. this leads to the situation where you test with the first charge and see it fail, wait a few seconds for whatever it was blocking them to drop off and go to grip them with the second charge only to see that one fail too.
I’d rather they gut the slows on this class.
im still confused on how grip turns into being flung out of bounds
You may have a lot more hours logged, but I have played a lot of DK since Wrath, and more PvP than PvE. To me, it doesn’t make sense for grip not to be on DR. You can be gripped an infinite number of times without it becoming any less impactful at any point. This is even more apparent to me with the new monk grip and the absurd consumable that gets spammed now.
I believe most DK’s see grips fail because they don’t notice roots and immunities. I’m not much for keeping a hugely impactful CC off DR just to protect bad DK’s, but that’s jut me.
i’d agree, but at a certain level you make a weakaura to tell if your target is rooted or has immunities.
the next thing is how would grip DR? would it only take you half way? that’s a failed grip. the main point of the spell is to take a target in non-melee range and put them in melee range. that’s a pass/fail condition, not something you can DR.
Until they start getting rooted mid air kekw by micro roots like frost mage or the like.