DK covenant legos: What changes do you want to see?

Since the announcement that duo legendries will be restricted to our covenant lego plus one other (possibly subject to change) I was wondering what the fellow DKs of every covenant would like to see changed to each legendary.

I think the Kyrian one need to be changed to something along the lines of “Shackle the Unworthy grants you (buff name) for 18 second increased your Strength by 10% and generating one Rune ever 1.5 seconds”

I think the Venthyr legendary should be changed to “Casting spells that consume Runes or Runic Power during Swarming Mists cause you to explode for (X amount of AP) Shadow damage to all targets (soft cap at 5) and heal for 20% of that damage”

I think Venthyr DK Leggo is fine with some damage tuning. It gives RP a good use.

Kyr DK Leggo indeed needs a rework but not this one. That version will powercreep Empower Rune Weapon let alone stacking with it.

the necrolord one im sure will help kill players in pvp and increase our dps, but it has no impact on our gameplay at all, its just a passive damage increase, nothing you would tailor your kill formula around. meh.

4 new legendaries, that aren’t god awful.

There are some classes that get almost 16% dmg increases from certain covenant legendaries. No amount of tuning will fix poorly designed legendaries.

Doesn’t help that everything with DK seems to be scaling poorly, including the lack luster conduits.

To be honest, I don’t think I even like the soulbind abilities for DK, they’re all very passive, or in deaths dues case, clunky as all heck. So I’d definitely have to think about what would actually be beneficial.

On top of that, they’re mostly aoe oriented, which’s means even with tuning, they’re gonna be too strong in aoe and or too weak in single target.

Wanna read a cold take? Get it? Cold? Because it’s about Frost DK? Eh?

EEEHHH??? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Everfrost is pretty much the strongest conduit they’ve ever made for DK class.

Well... If you're not PvPing that is...
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I mean, sure, in aoe. And only because so many talents are packed in to increasing RW damage.

Doesn’t even come close to other conduits like icy propulsion for frost, half the monk conduits, and I’m sure there are more that scale way way better.

Afaik all the the unholy conduits scale like absolute **, and the blood potency conduits are definitely nothing to write home about as Blood is still the lowest dmg output tank.

DK has a lot of core issues class wide to which layering on more borrowed power just makes everything worse without fixing the underlaying issues.

I’m not disagreeing with you. Demo Locks pretty much have a conduit that pretty much double its demon damage duration (if not provide demons more damage when Tyrant himself expires) as well as constant Molten Core flows!

Heck, even Fel Commando is a solid conduit.

While Everfrost is a build defining conduit, everything else is absolutely meh.

Accelerating Cold, as a name, make no sense and you might as call it Frozen Velocity or something because “Accelerating” is not the right word here. Still a solid conduit nevertheless.

Embrace Death is another build defining conduit but I don’t think it’s that great. It’s under the similar category as EB, a conduit that applies PvP.

Eternal Hunger is a good conduit. Just feels like it exacerbates the problem with Unholy’s identity crisis.

I actually like Convocation of the Dead conduit. CDR is deceivingly good.

But yea, some conduits feels like garbage. One such conduit in my book that feels garbage would be UNLEASHED FRENZY.

For Blood the Venthyr lego puts players in a very odd position to use it effectively. The idea around BDK is reducing the amount of RP your dumping ineffectively and maximizing your effective generation. Swarming Mists main benefit for BDK is that it gives us a high RP return for a single rune/ global (especially in M+).

Thinking about it now having this lego heal depending on an explosion that is powered up based on RP consumption feels a bit redundant considering we are already healing and possibly over healing for large amounts when Death strike is used effectively. Unless your taking a large amount of constant damage from doing an overly large pull I feel like the heal is fairly impractical.

I guess I can’t really expect to much seeing as there are a lot of talents, conduits and so on that just don’t work as well as advertised ( Debilitating Malady cough cough)

I mean you do kind of have a point of Blood DK reducing the amount of RP dumping and maximizing generation. The legendary just gives that niche application of using Bonestorm to increase its damage. It’s probably the deeps mentality.

I think the overall problem with the legendary is that even with deeps use it I don’t think it’s worth using due to it scaling pretty bad. But out of the three specs, Blood can expend the most of the RP. At the same time… Blood doesn’t restore runes when they spend RP unlike Frost and Unholy. Furthermore, Blood relies on RP for sustain and survival.

The idea of Swarming Mist Legendary is fine. But the damage scaling leaves much to be desired, that’s all!

Well it’s time to switch to unholy NF with defile.