DK Buffs a Good Start

I’m calling the anti-defamation league right now for that statement mister.

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No need. Ill self report to my local re-education camp to correct my problematic speech.

He had the post I was going to say after I read this. You literally listened to him say that the adjective wasn’t a demerit, just a distinguishing identifier. He explicitly stated that. Then you go quote a definition which literally proves you wrong and you just claim you’re right? The answer isn’t superior nor inferior. It’s lateral.

You need to drop the victim complex. There are many gray areas in this subject but you just proved you don’t even listen to your own logic. Go away.


Wow, this thread has taken quite the turn. All just to show that Athalen has no clue wtf he’s saying and likes to double down on awful takes.

if you’re offended by someone calling you by your ethnicity, that says more about you than them. I’m proud to be black and when someone calls me black it does nothing to me but remind me of my peoples greatness :triumph:


Jajaja don’t call urself black Luke that would be racist huehuehue

Oh dang man, I guess I’m just racist for being proud of my ethnicity that’s crazy

His definition does say inferior or superior so you being proud of it yup that’s racist.

Police are on their way

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I’m a proud mutt!

I don’t agree with this line of reasoning, being proud of something means putting value on that thing, which means that other things that aren’t that thing have less value.
I prefer the line of reasoning that all ethnicities have the same value

what about that line of reasoning implies that I feel anything negatively about other ethnicities, I just stated I’m proud of mine. I said nothing about yours or anyone else’s, so for you to just make that assumption is just cringe


I know its not intentional, but being proud of that kind of thing means you rather be this way than other way…
In other words you are saying “i think its better be this way than other way”
in my opinion this is not a healthy line of reasoning

In my opinion nobody asked and you’re too [redacted] to read the room and noticed nobody here wants your donkey opinion


Yes I’m proud of who I am, I’m proud of where I’m from, I’m proud of my ethnic background, I’m happy being this way and I don’t wish to be anything but myself. Everyone has value, everyone has something unique they bring, me being proud of myself and my heritage doesn’t equate to me believing one race of people is superior, you absolute donkey.


I went to bed and woke up and the thread is still derailed

I have a black uncle and i want desthstrike back

Most the time when they say mobility it means the ability to get away from a G Fueled Fury Warrior that just popped every CD and is Nuking their face.

Got it, yet DK is one of the most efficient in this scenario, passive slow resistance plus chains of ice is brutal.

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so bad getting demolished by ww monks and warriors just cause we cant heal or do damage fast enough to kill them 1v1