DK Buffs a Good Start

DKs with permanent slow immunity
Chains spam anti mobility
Wraith walk root break and sprint

“I have no mobility :dracthyr_cry_animated: :dracthyr_cry_animated: :dracthyr_cry_animated: :dracthyr_cry_animated: :sob: WHEELCHAIR!!”


Yeah because you have to know how to interpret the data or you will cause more harm than good with it. You’re essentially looking at the global obesity rate and temperature increases and coming to the conclusion that rising temperatures are causing people to get fat. Then when people are like “no Athalen that’s not how that works” you throw your hands up and declare “i GuEsS I DoN’T KnoW how To InteRpRet DaTA”. It’s like Groundhog Day with you.


You know what the slowest class in game is??

The person being permachained and sat on by a DK


Good analogy, except its a lie.
This whole debate started when I stated that survival hunter has 1% representation because it’s weak and NOT because it’s unpopular.

my argument, is weak because it has 1%.

the argument of racist covlol and his two friends who hold his balls
“it has 1% because it’s unpopular, sv is ok and also considering representation is wrong”

Argument previously refuted because in shadowlands survival hunter had almost 5 times more representation than now.

Said the hunter with a 50% win rate in 3s

Again you don’t know how to interpret the information you are given. With regards to spec representation having a very high rep is more indicative of being overpowered than a very low rep being underpowered, but neither proves one or the other. Someone who has high level experience with the spec would be much more qualified to interpret this data than say (for example) some lifetime 1600 hunter who doesn’t even play the spec at level 70 in DF.

You are honestly insane to keep bringing this up and think anything Cov has said is racist, and you do a disservice to anyone who has actually been the victim of racism. You are beyond clueless on so many levels and I just hope you are not in charge of anyone or anything irl. God forbid someone has you leading them and giving advice.


Did you heart your own comment

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Exactly what i said

In a scenario were spec X has 5% representation and in the next expansion the same X spec has 1%, popularity is definitely NOT the variant which defines class representation. This is objective.

There’s something called proportion.

There are severe cases of discrimination and there are mild cases.

I consider Covlol’s case to be a mild case, where he only had prejudice against an ethnic group, which by definition is racism, even if it does not have the same severity as the more serious cases, it is still racism.

Compared to other melee, they’re very lethargic.

Chains of ice, passive slow resistance, grip and more than one freedom/sprint surpasses almost every single melee in the game.

Rogue, Feral say hi. DH is equally as dumb. What game are you playing?

The other melee also do more damage and have better passive/active survivability.

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Feral is definitely top 1.
Guess who is top 2?
Tip: its not rogue

If you don’t think rogue uptime is greater than DK, you’re smoking some good stuff my guy.


You might try getting a pvp achievement before going there buddy lol.

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Ah good monk can kite a dk forever
( on the right maps)

What was that prejudice again? If I recall correctly (I may be wrong as this was beginning of SL right?) I mentioned that you’re English may not be the best due to you being Brazilian.

This is the recent one, were you said “he is definitely not brazilian because his english is decent”

You sure about that? How recent?

This is a good one, want some more?

Oh ok, where is the prejudice to an ethnic group there again?