- Festering Scythe (thematically great) replaces Festering Strike (un-impactful and boring)
- Remove Festering Wounds (dilutes damage profile) mechanic and replace with following:
- Festering Scythe - Causes your disease damage to occur 100% more quickly for X sec
- Scourge Strike - An unholy strike that deals X Physical damage and X Shadow damage. If Scourge Strike hits a target with that is affected by Festering Scythe, there is a X% chance to summon a Ghoul
- Remove All Will Serve line and add in talents that modifies Festering Scythe and Scourge Strike
- Example talents: Festering Scythe drops D&D; Free Festering Scythe based on X; Scourge Strike randomly summons Magus of the Dead or Exploding Zombies; Scourge Strike has a 100% chance to summon a Ghoul
- Merge Apocalypse with Army of the Dead
- Obliterate deals half Frost damage by default
- Killing Machines makes Obliterate full Frost damage, and no longer guarantees Crit (been suggested numerous times by many)
- Re-tune all abilities accordingly
- Cleaving Strikes removed for Frost
- Frost Scythe tuned for AoE instead of Cleaving Strikes (been suggested numerous times by many)
- 20s - 30s CD Breath of Sindragosa-lite choice node (possibly with CD reset talents)
- Razorice reduces or staggers healing in PvP
- Re-tune PvP modifiers
- Glacial Advance animation: Spikes angle towards the target and scale larger as they traverse