DJ Fel & the Dark Prince

So who’s stoked we’re getting Legion Remix?

I’m gonna farm soooo much green mog!


Part of me is down for it. Part of me is thinking that if we get Legion Remix, I won’t want to go back to Legion when it gets to Classic.

(But TBH I’m not too stoked over anything coming up Classic, currently. I was pretty much done with Classic when they moved on from LK.)

Either way, bring on the transmogs.

I am … ambivalent, but hey, its gonna be a good chance to go back and pummel my way to all the stuff I couldn’t do before due to work, health and family, so yay?

I am interested in how they’re gonna play this out since a lot of what people went back to Mists of Pandaria : Remix was the weapon and armor transmogs, and Legion had the Legendary weapons.

Re-do of the Mage Tower, perhaps, or will we be getting new weapon models that will drop across the zones?

Legion and Wrath are my two major Remix wants! So yeah!

Are we getting a Legion remix? I’d be pretty psyched, but I haven’t seen that.

There was some kind of “fel” hint from Ion during an interview.

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