Checking to see if I’m crazy or if the class is broken now. Divine toll does no damage against targets as a Holy Paladin.
Was this change intended or is a hotfix incoming?
Checking to see if I’m crazy or if the class is broken now. Divine toll does no damage against targets as a Holy Paladin.
Was this change intended or is a hotfix incoming?
There’s A LOT of things broke atm. Gonna be a busy week for the devs.
Divine toll is acting weird, yesterday during arena and bgs, instead of filling my hp bar it would sometimes only shoot one judgement.
Guess its beta testing time again…
Can confirm, when I hit divine toll it gains threat on mobs but does no damage.
Also Rising sun is not triggering either so when I cast a regular diving toll, only the first one hits in damage or healing.
Thank god it’s not just me then. I figured maybe that’s just how it works now with the lack of threads about it.
What is broken on ret paladin because playing mine felt…., odd. Like I was missing something.
Not sure. I was more saying it wouldn’t surprise me if divine toll is broken because I’ve seen a number of issues in many areas.
this is in reaard to holy paladin’s divine toll not working properly, I do not know if ret is affected
can confirm, this is also not healing everyone or giving holy power when cast.
Here’s to hoping it’s fixed by Tuesday for the S2 launch!
I’m surprised there’s so little uproar about this. I figure this thread would have 1000s of posts by now with something as crucial as this broken.
There’s also a bug for retribution, where if you hit the pvp training dummy with divine toll in stormwind it will only hit one target. It may be very difficult to unbreak Divine toll and get it to hit more than one target after that. A prominent retribution youtuber was discussing it.
Glad I’m not crazy when I’ve been doing the Undermine quests as ret! Thought it felt weird then too. Wish we could get a blue reply on it but I think I saw it’s broken for Prot too.
I like his channel. I appreciate when people do this since I can’t be bothered to follow streams.
I also get a lot of my talent build ideas from him.
Just to be clear, Divine Toll now operates like Judgment cleave when it picks targets, if that’s confusing anyone.
I like that he finds and reports bugs that I don’t even realize exist and confirm for me others that I experienced. His Retribution guides are super helpful too when something changes.