For some reason it benefits from the DoT talent meant for the debuff DoT. curious if consecration also benefits from it.
You actually tested it??
Still testing now in fact.
There is a hard cap for DH’s duration where it just drops without consuming more HP.
I was able to get to this limit with max stack cursade (using divine auxillery to get more out of crusade max stack faster) and herald’s talents.
Starting another blank test using recount. Will take a screen shot this time.
Ok, so did a short test just to see how much damage I can do with it in my current gear on my pally with what I thought to be the opitmal set up.
Pictures of the spec I used for the test and recount data is here (Combat lasted 30.99 seconds to just see the raw damage data, did not do a 5 minute test yet r decided to do so)
So it seems to have a hard duration to be somewhere 12-15 seconds (I had left over HP when it fell off which was noticeable since crusade was still active when it fell) How ever it does do good damage but to it off for max potential is a pain of a set-up.
The following is what I did
Start: cast judgement (to activate EL’s proc required for sancturary)
casted crusade/execution sentence together via macro To get the initial divine auxilery HP
cast FV
cast wake
Cast FV twice
cast judge/BoJ/TS (what ever is up, preferably judgement for the HP damage debuff)
cast DH
Spam builders without casting finishers during the duration of DH.
Note I did this test to see how long I could make Divine hammers (DH) last and see what initial damage it can bring. I believe this skill needs to be worked on a bit more by blizzard or at least make the wording of the spell better since it does not have a hard duration cap in the description. It does do allot of damage though, I do not know if it’s enough to really make a build around it.
(yes I know I didn’t use my trinket during the test, but I wanted to test it without the trinket’s use)
As of this test I was:
Ilvl was 532
Crit 15%
haste 4%
mastery 28%
vers. 7%
Also to note, DH eats greater judgements, each tic takes a stack of it.
Bro it was said in the patch notes when they buffed templar that the empyrean hammers and more would profit off of penitance because it didnt make sense for only herald to be able to profit off of that side of the talent tree.
Yes for both
It did in DF too, it’s a damage over time.
Obviously the relation isn’t as evident now that they transformed it in a 2min CD and spender but in essence it should benefit.
From what I could see from it, there’s no hard cap but the consumption of HP increase infinitely.
Which means that by the 10 sec mark you usually can’t build fast enough to follow the consumption.
It’s just a poor attempt at making an ability relevant with no follow up whatsoever from the devs.
Its an attempt at making breath of sindragosa for Ret, plain and simple.
Only they messed up/didn’t finish actually designing it.
They didn’t say it had a hard cap because it’s not suppose to, you’re supposed to be able to make it run forever, only you can’t because of the uncapped rate increase.
With crusader at full stack it would just drop with me having 3 hp remaining, which was the reason why I said it had a hard cap. Crusader/my current haste at max stack should put my haste at 34%
Could have been a bug /shrugs