Divine Hammer Haste Bug for Ret Pally

Divine hammer is bugged. The base uptime when it is cast is erroneously inverse scaling with haste. Tool tip says it should be 8 seconds, but with more haste, the base time goes down. At 20% haste it is only up for ~6 seconds. With wings, it goes down further.

Nothing in the tool tip says anything about scaling with haste. If this is intentional, it needs to be in the tool tip. If not, it need to be fixed.

Original WoW forum post bringing attention to this issue


I did some further testing. It looks like the tick rate will retroactively take haste into account but duration won’t. I tried just casting Divine Hammer with ~17% haste then casting Divine Hammer at the tail end of a full Crusade buff. Tick rate slams back down to normal but the duration stays decreased. 6.7 seconds and 6 ticks for the first scenario, 4.7 seconds and 5 ticks for the 2nd scenario.

Interesting. It still seems like a bug though, no?

Absolutely seems like a bug. If duration was affected by haste the way Bladestorm was, it would be retroactively changed if my haste dipped down. In this way, it’s both snapshotting and retroactively affected. Both types of scaling on a spell is super duper weird.

Can also confirm. Please fix the bug for Divine Hammer.