Divides the type of dungeons around m+

The reason why I’m writing this is because I’m worried about the situation of the tanks, we have to worry about the route because we have to do pulls first, be careful that the dps and healers don’t do ninja pulls, that we change the route because of the rotation of affixes.

All m+ currently have the feature that we have to complete the %, the bosses don’t have many mechanics (I’m not asking for raid mechanics).

But, what happens if we divide the types of dungeons?

Boss focused dungeons: These dungeons shouldn’t have % to complete, but the bosses should have a bit more mechanics for the group, this would be like a part of the player’s progression before entering a raid. Example of focused boss dungueons: Scarlet Halls, Mechanar, Halls of Stone, Temple of the Jade Serpent.

Troop focused dungeons: These dungeons should have %, there should be challenges to wait for troops, don’t do ninja pulls, do a good amount of pulls, interrupts, some kitting and anything else. But, the bosses should not have many mechanics (current dungeons). It’s still fun, but should all the dungeons be like that?

That all the dungeons have troops to worry about is a bit stressful, but that doesn’t mean I stop playing the tank role.

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