I just completed the timewalking black temple raid but when I looted Illidan the quest item Timewarped Illidari Battleplans was not on his body. This was an issue for almost half of the raid as well.
This happened to us as well.
Happened to me as well
Corroborating this— did my kill this morning and did not get the quest item from looting Illidan. Made sure I had the quest before going in.
Same happened to me. Anyone know if they are working on fixing this? I opened a ticket so they add the item to my bag
Same here. Very disappointed.
Having the same issue here. I submitted a ticket roughly 4 hours ago with no response.
Anyone have any luck on resolving this issue? I don’t want to run it again.
Seems to be a common issue with these quests regardless of which expansion they timewalk. I submitted a ticket and was basically told try again without addons, with only players from the same server and with quest tracking from wowhead.
I definitely will not be wasting another 2+ hours of my time for this quest. I feel like a broken record these last 5+ years but Blizz support really has become one of the worst with the amount of automated replies. They used to fix these type of issues so quickly but now it seems like every day there is an unresolved issue.
Wait… so the people that tell you to use addons for the features they refuse to put in the game are now telling you NOT to use addons to make the game work?
Can confirm, ran the raid with a Timewalking raid group, killed Illidan and no illidari battleplans.
Just ran black temple time walking. No battle plans for me either!
I have the same BUG from a raid last night and no one was able to loot the Timewarped Illidari Battleplans. And reporting a bug seems to be next to impossible.
This just happened to me! Very disappointed. Hopefully this bug gets fixed soon.
still happening
Feb 2025… still happening. Just did the whole raid… no credit for the kill and no plans to loot.