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Hey everyone;

I’m returning from a break and looking to get back into progression raiding.

A little about me:

Right now I have two 120’s a priest (who I plan on maining) and a warrior.
I have no issue flexing to any role necessary to help the team progress through the tiers.
-In the past I have played healer/rdps&mdps/tank
-I would like to have a more primary position this xpac however.

Personality wise I can get along with most anyone so you won’t have to worry about me getting into/starting any drama

Please feel free to hit me up on Bnet @PriorCity#1834 and on Discord @ Priorcity#3501

is fri sat 9-11 good for you?

Hey Porphyrion!

In Frostmourne Hungers 5/8M we’re looking for a Priest and Range DPS! We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9PM - 12AM EST. Right now we’re progressing Zul and it’s going pretty well!

If you’re interested in joining us, please contact me Sugarale#1427

This is a bit more about us: