Other players are clattering my screen, making it more difficult to play
for example :
- Transmog mount are displayed on minimap
- people standing on NPCs just to prevent other to play
- Game crahes if a perso have a certain skin. (On radeon, skywhatever skin just crashes the game on Ultra settings. I moved to “high” instead of Ultra to avoid this crashes"
- It will make experiance mor pleasant in geniral.
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not to mention everyone and their mount is glowing like a christmas tree
Nothing ruins a MMO like other players am I right?
The only thing that really irks me is those stupid ah mounts parked on a mailbox. NPCs are fine since I can bring up their name plates and still click on them in a crowd. But the mailboxes… /shoo
it wouldnt hurt if they just added a button you can hotkey that will hide other players names and make them click-through while you hold it, like FF14 has. people on obnoxious mounts sitting on top of questgivers is worse than ever
It sounds like you’d have a better experience playing a single player game or at least playing on a dead server, but you went out of your way to play on a high pop server.
Sorry, was posting on classic account I guess.
No, it’s not about “dead server”. When you need to spend 4 seconds a target an NPC because some MF* just put his long d*** on it and now you can’t click on names in the frame , wow…
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Why would you censor the word “Dino”?
I would like to introduce you to the “Interact with Target” function…
If you have no target, it will interact with the thing you are facing.
If you are crashing on Ultra settings. Maybe step it down.
If they made WoW a single-player game with AI companions, I’d play it lol.
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sounds like you’re looking to play a single player game, plenty of those out there.
It’s crashing ONLY if a certain skin appears on the screen.
I can reproduce this crash 100% of time : Just go to transmog, and click on skyriding skin = instant crash.
Except that, I get my 60 fps on ultro with no problenms, even if my card is like 4 years old. (6800 XT)
which skin? wanna see what happened
There’s a toy from Valentine’s Day called “Only Eyes for You” that makes everyone around a quest giver disappear which has been nice to use.
No that’s not what this is about. If someone is complaining about a high crime rate you don’t tell them to go live on a planet with no people.
I’ve often seen players with massive mounts parked on a quest giver making it very difficult for anyone else to pick up or return the quest. OP’s suggestion would be fine, a toggle to let you see through to the NPC. Another would be automatic dismount near a quest giver/receiver.
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I was agreeing with the sentiment?
it really isn’t… shift + v
Yeah, I see why you play by yourself. I’m not sure why you think it’s cool to talk like that but okay.