4GB video ram, 32GB ram
When entering the game after login and hearthing - these are the most recent screen freezes.
Most recent freeze I was able to login with a different mac, transferred a file to the desktop, but wasn’t able to screen share.
I’ve never had these screen freezes until I installed wow and it’s happened probably a dozen times since I installed/started playing about a week ago
I’m also getting this in 8.2.5. The whole game crashes at the end of a hearth, cut scene or just then when the ‘you’ve been inactive for some time and are about to be logged out’ message came up.
I’ve tried doing a scan & repair on the game, and also a disk repair & restart on my computer (MacOS 10.13.6 High Sierra). The only issue i’m currently dealing with is that my hard drive is running low in space (got 6gb left) so there may be some caching issues? Don’t know… 6gb is still a fair whack of space.
thanks for posting. i posted 6 days ago haven’t gotten any other response. hopefully within the next decade they will at least acknowledge having read the message
When you made this post, fix had already been live about an hour. just make sure to update wow to via battle.net launcher and you’ll be good to go
I’m not seeing any such update on the launcher after scanning for updates.
Still on 31961, and still crashing.
thanks for the response. i’m trying to determine if i have
as far as i know i set launcher to autoupdate everything …
on wow login i see version 1.13.2 (31882) (release x64) and Sep 17, 2019
ok, just checked under the ‘options gear’ in wow in launcher and said i was up to date.
doing a scan now. “no repair required”
also, showing version “”
just had the crash about 20 minutes ago after releasing corpse.
I haven’t played wow in over 10 years, so i’m not sure where everything is at for updates, etc … i appreciate any help.
i’m now realizing i’m probably not in the wow classic tech support
sorry to bother
Dammet, That’s classic, which never had any of the two bugs that shipped with 8.2.5 so you should be fine there.
this is getting really pathetic just got booted out of game, logged back in, entered realm, froze my displays again, force reboot my entire computer, come back character dead.
8 f’n days ago i’ve posted this and not a single blue response …
mistake coming back
make that 2 crashes in under 5 f!@#$!@#$ing minutes
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That’s gotta be a unique issue only affecting you. Or you’ve somehow managed to avoid getting the patch that fixes issue (make sure you aren’t bypassing launcher and at least grab the patch released this week to fix all the mac issues)
if you continue to have system freezes or hangs, it’s probably something wrong with system and should be taken in for servicing.
I don’t know how this issue is “unique” to OP. There are threads and threads about people freezing, crashing. I have experienced crashing at SOTS at the drop after the squid boss. If I hug left wall to avoid the eels, I am guaranteed to freeze and crash. If i swim to the right i never crash. It’s inconvenient and UNRELIABLE when you’re a healer!!!
After 22 years of using Macs, I have learned to Google the Ctrl Alt Del equivalent for my Mac only recently because of these crashing because once the game crashes, my mouse is gone, the system “Force Quit” option is dead.
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considering i’ve been using ‘this system’ for years without an issue and all of a sudden after installing wow i start having problems and only when i’m playing wow … i’m sorry but to blame ‘my system’ is absurd
i do appreciate you taking the time to comment and i’m sincerely not trying to hack on you
also, launcher says i’m up to date