Display driver stopped working and recovered

This only happens on the current, modern version of WoW, I can log in and play Classic with no problem.

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This is better off in tech support where u can get better help.

thanks 10char

GTX 1050 ti

edit: sorry about the necropost, my forum display doesn’t show a year on the date of prior posts.

Oh wow I thought it was my video card! I have a 1030 that has been doing this since last week every time I play.

Hey Qamala,

Can you post your DXDIAG so we can check that out?

  1. Press Windows Key + R.
  2. In the Run window type dxdiag and press Enter.
  3. In the DirectX window, click Save All Information.
  4. Name the file “dxdiag” and save it to your Desktop. Open the new dxdiag file with Notepad.
  5. In the posting section hit the </> button for “Preformatted text” then paste (Ctrl+V) the DXDIAG contents. That’ll make the information much more readable.

If you are unable to post this due to the length of the DXDIAG, please feel free to use pastebin.com and share the direct link with us instead. Use the </> button as well in order to share the link.

I can post that, I just thought that the fact that Classic would run properly but the current version crashed might be a clue leading to a solution that was already in hand.

Although they are both based on the same game, there are differences between them. We have indeed seen issues that affect one version and not the other, though I am not aware of anything hugely widespread that I can point to and say “this is the reason” without knowing more info about the system. The display driver error you’re getting is a generic driver crash within Windows itself.

The Battle for Azeroth version of WoW has a higher system requirement as well, so if there’s an issue with the GPU or drivers then the higher requirement version (BFA) may be triggering it while the lower requirement version (Classic) does not.

Do you use any overlays? Windows game bar? Geforce Experience?

Feel free to reply with the DXDIAG and we can take a look.

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I have none of the above in my computer.

It seems I am not allowed to use links in my post, per the error window that pops up. I get this whether I am pasting my dxdiag directily or as a pastebin link.

Hey again,

You can either break the link by putting spaces in it, or hit the </> button in the posting section and paste the link

so it ends up like this.


Also having same issue, display driver stops responding and recovers during dialogue and other sequences during dungeons and sometimes outside in the open world. Running a NVIDIA 1060 gtx. Others with the same series or family of cards are also having the same issue.

There is a bunch of posts I’ve located referring to the same issue that has appeared for many within the past two weeks since one of wow’s recent updates.

I suggest contacting your partners at NVIDIA to get a hold of the issue that’s been plaguing many of us.

The first few times i was able to fix this for a while by running the repair function on the game, but then that stopped fixing the problem.

Hey, Qamala! Thank you for including the DxDiag! This files here appear fine, but there isn’t any Windows Error Reporting to give us more details on the display driver stopping and recovering.

With the repair working a few times, I am curious if you tried a fresh reinstall of WoW retail to test? Do you see any improvements with different DirectX versions?

We’ve seen some issues reappear with the LKD (livekernelevent) errors that relate to the display driver recovering (known as a Timeout Detection and Recovery). This time we are seeing some issues with DirectX11, and switching over to DirectX12 may help. Though, there is a flickering issue with Nvidia drivers specifically on DirectX12 that we’re aware of. Reverting to 442.50 drivers for the card seems to workaround the issue as well.

If neither of those seem to improve the display driver issues, could you contact our technical support team to check out the MSINFO file for these types of errors? Please do not post the MSINFO file on the forums as this file can contain some personal information.

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Yes, I did a fresh install but the problem remained. I have not tried different DX versions, I will try that, thanks.

I just tried using the 442.50 drivers, error is persisting.

Keep in mind Windows 8.1 cannot run directx12 therefor switching to dx12 isnt a viable option. From what I’ve seen of others log the issue revolves around dx11 and nvidia series graphics cards. Multiple other reports were also using Windows 8.1 which also myself is on.

This is still an issue.Nothing fixed it since 8.3.7.

Whenever you see a dialog box pop up or you open your character screen, transmog collection it still happens.

@xyrtran Yup that is what is for me as well. Hopefully Blizzard with focus in on this issue that seems to be prevalent amongst its player base.

Also there is a ton of posts about it on the EU equivalent of these boards as well. I hope this can be resolved.

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Having gone back through old posts I saw that this problem has popped up frequently over the years.