"Dispelling World buffs is PVP"

If you genuinely think that dispelling world buffs is pvp and not griefing then you’re delusional

“shouldn’t have rolled on a pvp server” is a common response, how can you consider it pvp when lvl 60 priests are suiciding in orgrimmar just so they can ruin someone else’s day and take out their buffs.

in before “It’s okay, this makes you think about the game more tactically… and you have to think about getting world buffs in a smarter way” — lvl 60 rogue who never needs to worry about getting dispelled

Blizard’s in game code of conduct:


Behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable.

…Yea ok blizz


I am very buff. They try to dispel me, but only look foolish.

Also you’re wrong and have smol muscles. Stop trying to compensate with world buffs and maybe just do some regular workouts to get really beefy! Look at these guns. :muscle: :muscle: No world buffs here. All natural.


Dispelling of any kind against players is PvP, and if you can’t honestly laugh off the lengths people go to to do so, you’re playing the wrong game.

I sincerely and utterly do NOT understand the obsession so many people have brought into this game with parsing and world buffs. Is it interesting to see the damage you do? Sure. But the fights are scripted, last all of 40-70 seconds, and there’s only so many times you can use a 2-3 button rotation with big numbers and not feel the need to branch out.

I get it. You (and others) spent HOURS gathering these buffs, but you ALL know they’re not needed, and they only trivialize the game even more. You’ve math-d the fun right out of the MMO/PvP server aspect of this game when you obsess, log, and hide offline with these buffs, only to beg Blizzard to actually punish players who are warring on the opposing faction as intended. It boggles the mind.


Griefing is pvp, making a distinction between griefing and pvp is entirely arbitrary

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Consider how the dispellers are actually making the game more fun for you, by letting you experience raid content without a 100% damage buff, 35% HP buff and infinite mana from mp5 and low fight durations.

Like christ were the raids not easy enough already?

shouldn’t have rolled on a pvp server


I personally love the idea of disspelling World Buffs, adds a bit of a “risk” factor to it all.

However, along with buffless Parse Raids, and World Buff Culture - our Guild stopped raiding with World Buffs for 3 weeks every month (with exception of DM:F week) and it makes raiding much more enjoyable. This means we don’t have to raid log, and worry about this specific issue every 3 weeks. Find yourself a new guild.

It always brings a smile to my face seeing someone get disspelled, and whenever I am victim of it - I laugh it off as I realized I could have prevented it if I did X Y and Z (especially being a Rogue with Stealth).

Yea idk about that chief. Regardless of whether or not WB’s math the fun out of the game is besides the point. Its difficult to defend someone who sits in org for hours at a time just to constantly res and dispel players who enjoy to parse

Dispelling buffs is pretty scummy but uh yeah it is kind of a deal with it thing. Just be more careful.

and dispel players who enjoy to parse

They added a category to warcraftlogs specifically so that you can still get 99 and 100 parses without using world buffs.

I am watching this made up number grow every other day lol

I dont think it is. I know it is. Its the risk we take being on a PvP server. If you dont want to take on that risk there are other servers that cater to that

Its scummy but its PvP

There is a lot you can do to protect your DMT and Songflower.

  1. Move in groups

  2. Don’t hearth or port to targeted areas.

  3. Cover your buffs in trash buffs.

ZG, ONY, and DMF cannot be purged.

Let’s see. Average 99th percentile warrior damage on warcraft logs with world buffs on Huhuran for example is 585 without world buffs and 1052 with world buffs. That’s a 79% damage increase I guess.

100th percentile on Huhuran for warriors with world buffs is 1989 and without 1040. 91% increase there.

im laughing at

then it grew

in 5 days WBs grew 20%! Who knew!?

It’s a rough estimate. And not inaccurate as it turns out!

Fankriss the Unyielding kill times at 100th percentile decrease by 73% with world buffs.

On battleguard sartura 100th percentile world buff kill times average 34 seconds and without 1m20s so 135% there.

I look forward to reading how they give 120% dps gains in a few days

It actually makes a bit of sense in how damage scales with shorter fights.

Look at rogues for a second since you will be intimately familiar.

If a fight is 1 min long you AR and Blade Flurry are 25% of the fights duration.

If the fight is 30 seconds then your cooldowns are 50% of the fights duration.

As you gain gear as a raid team or have increased damage with full raid world buffs the fight duration is lower because damage is higher, so the % of the fight where you’re gaining power from your CD is greater.

So as your team improves you % of power gained from your cooldows is increasingly improved and in turn makes the world buffs even stronger.

Im not arguing that theyre stong

Im arguing a person who is mindlessly obsessed and changing the # over and over to make it sound bad

It sounds bad because it is bad.

The raid dps gain isn’t constant it depends on the encounter.

I hear theyre up to 140% now

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