Dispel Guide?

Does anyone know of a guide on what we should save our (healers) dispels for in arenas?

That’s one main area I’m struggling with recently as an hpal, especially against spriest, affy locks, and fmage.

Don’t dispel anything that isn’t polymorph or you die instantly.

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Against spriests, you generally want to dispel their silence/stuns/fear(on non-kill target) if you can, if you ever notice mindbomb on yourself dispel it asap if they dont cover it with a silence/stun. Mindgames is also not a bad thing to dispel.

If you’re partner is pretty low hp though, its prrobably best to just hold your dispel and heal them to something stable then maybe dispel.

Against mages, have your partners utilize a cancel freedom macro so the mage dosent steal it, then use dispels on polys for the most part. If the mage is running with a priest or something you may have to let your partner sit a sheep so you can dispel mindgames off yourself and heal or dispel the sheep so your partner can peel. Kinda a situational thing.

afflic locks are kinda tricky, im not gonna say never dispel, but id make sure you’re above 80%-90% hp before dispelling and that you can do it in a safe place too where you’re not easily swapped to. would also be pretty careful about dispelling when darksoul/darkglare is up.

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Always dispel UA. That’s a huge game changer. :upside_down_face:


Typically you want to dispel using the priority:

  1. CC (hoj, poly)
  2. Big dam (claw)
  3. Important builders (ele flame shock)

By priority I mean, you should save your dispel for the top priority unless those abilities are on CD or you are safe from new casts.

NEVER dispel UA and watch out for mindgames when UA is up. It’s a trick to get you to kill yourself. ONLY dispel VT if you’re high health and your teammates are safe.

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How DARE you! I come to this forum to give valuable information about dispels and you feel the need to troll the OP… :disappointed:


This is all very helpful! Thank you everybody. This is exactly what I was hoping for.

Regarding important builders, which ones are you referencing?

So something like lavaburst always crits if something like flame shock is on the target. So if the shaman presses something like primordial wave he wont lava burst as many targets nor will those lava bursts do as much damage.

Hpals cant do this, but if you’re running with a mage or someone who has a decurse, have them dispel agony stacks will stop a good chunk of that locks damage over the course of a game.

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Ah–that’s helpful. Thank you!!

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