Dismounting resummons previously-dismissed Water Elemental

Before 8.1.5, dismissing a Water Elemental (right-click on elemental and Dismiss) was persistent. It would stay gone until a new one was summoned.

Now, my frost mage will dismiss an elemental, then mount up and ride/fly around, but upon dismounting the elemental is automatically resummoned.

That’s really, really annoying. If I want a water elemental, I will press the button that says “Summon Water Elemental”. Since I have already pressed the button that says “Dismiss”, the game should do that.


Having the exact same problem as well, quite annoying for sure.

i already added my post to a thread about hunter pets doing the same thing, but i’ll add a +1 here too.

my mage is trying to do archaeology.

i dismiss the elemental because it just gets in the way, but mounting/dismounting resummons it.

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It may be less frustrating and annoying to spec Lonely Winter until this retarded thing gets fixed. At least while doing solo, mostly-non-combat activities like archaeology.

You say you got the same bug on your hunter pets? Odd, I haven’t experienced it yet on my hunter – but that could be an issue of spec (MM), or zone, or the fact that I didn’t happen to have a pet out the morning when 8.1.5 was applied, or the phase of the moon…

It also happens with Warlocks.

Little bit annoying when I’m just fishing up fishnodes and that blueberry keeps getting in the way.

Adding the token “me too” post.

Yes, my Voidie keeps showing up as well…

I’ve bug-reported this in game and also in this Bug Forum. So far not a peep out of the devs or whoever they have watching this thread and the bug reports sent from in-game.

Here’s my earlier posting on the subject: pet dismissal bug

Yep my hunter is having same issue along with my mage too…I just got back into the game yesterday …had PC issues before new patch and couldn’t get online…this needs to be fixed.

I am having same issue on this hunter and she is BM…

Agreed! +1 for this!

And here we are 3 months later with this issue and nothing said by any Blue Dev…come on fix this please.

that’s how the bug report forum works.
there is no need for further information here, so there’s no reason for a blue post.

this has already been fixed on the ptr.

Indeed. I’ve seen sporadic reports that this fixed on the PTR. So it sounds like Bliz is in the process of addressing it.