Dismount macro?

Is there some type of macro I can type to auto dismount whlie casting?


/Cast Frostbolt


I answered my own question, I didn’t even try typing it out in game before asking


Lol… I was like… You typed it…


just get the addon

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Leatrix plus?

Auto dismount addon, so good. Way better then a macro. All you do is press whatever spell/action once and it dismounts you automatically, then cast again :slight_smile:

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Do you still have to push it twice?

Yes but you get used to it. I love it.

This is better

LetMeCast addon.

Tiny auto-dismount and auto-stand addon.

If a spellcast or interaction fails due to being mounted, you will dismount. If it fails due to you sitting down, you will stand up. Let me cast!

So your still pressing the cast button twice. Same thing as the auto dismount addon.

Still twice yes, but it helps that ‘cant do that while sitting’ aswell.

Now stands you up when trying to loot - also works with crafting if you went afk, auto stands you up if you try to mount afk/after sitting. It has more use than just auto dismount.

Edit - did i mention flight paths and auto dismounting you?

It does everything except CancelShapeshiftForm() is currently protected, and as such auto cancelling shapeshift forms is impossible . This addon will be updated to support druids forms/ghost wolf/shadow form, etc. whenever that changes.

Can’t say I’ve ever sat. Anyway both addons will work.

You ever eat food/drink water for mana and then try to mount? You get the ‘cant do that while sitting’ and the letmecast addon stands you up.

I always move first tbh. Ill check it out though.

Definitely checking this out. Especially since mages eat/drink 24/7

for maximum skill bind your mount to a hotkey and press the hotkey to dismount to engage. anyone using an addon is trash,

and since addons arent banned in wow, pvp is trash, and anyone who thinks theyre “good” is delusional.

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