Dishonorable kills

Before you say “pvp happened in warmode” let me first say that yes pvp did happen with warmode on. If you’re level 120 and you kill a level 90, I think there should be a system in place to discourage those from farming or killing players below their own level. Dishonorable kills come to mind. I’d like to see a system in place where higher levels get punished for killing lower level players in open-world content. I keep warmode on for the bonuses (25% is a lot). I also enjoy having my PVP talents that can really add flavor to my spec. I don’t enjoy being camped/killed by those who are 10+ levels higher than me. Does anyone really enjoy being camped by these type of players? Why not add a system that will help prevent this from happening?


Blizzard could make it more fair.

They almost did, but decided otherwise.

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Leveling in warmode as a character with invis is kind of fun though. The number of times I’ve managed to get away from a significantly higher level player on an alt I was leveling is kind of hilarious.

The most recent time was when I was leveling my horde mage in the southern barrens and a max level pally showed up. Dude watched me fighting a mob for a moment but as soon as he came in it was blink, blink, invis and gone. Luckily the full blinks got out of the increases detection range. Used some aoes to try and find me but I was long gone. Haha

Anyway… Point is that it’s fun. You don’t always get away but it’s a fun little challenge.


You think that 25% is free? That 25% is reward for dealing with more challenging content.

Those horde 1 shotting you are simply providing that content.

If you don’t find it fun to meet a 120 horde, and figure out if hes going to leave you alone or camp you 10 times, then I suggest you opt out of the content that provides such interaction by turning off war mode.

I wasn’t referring to an older system.

The bonus you get for enabling warmode is what it is because you run the risk of being killed by anyone. Not just people your level. It’s Player vs Player, not Player vs Just the players that are around my level.

Or basically, if you can’t handle being killed by players that are higher than you, don’t enable warmode. It’s that simple. From the sounds of it, you can’t handle it anyway.